
Economy, finances, management: Topical issues of science and practical activity


Issue №: 7 (47)

Published: 2019.08.14
DOI: 10.37128/2411-4413-2019-7

The magazine deals with the problems of the agricultural sector of the economy in the context of integration and processes of globalization. Attention is paid to the issues of development of digital economy, rural territories, technologies of enterprise management and organization of accounting, problems of legal support of economic processes, market tendencies of development of various branches of economy. Particular attention is paid to green tourism as a promising segment of the national economy.

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DOI: 10.37128/2411-4413-2019-7-17
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FOSTOLOVYCH Valentyna  -  Dr. PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and 

Taxation in the branches of the economy Faculty of Accounting and Auditing of Vinnytsia National 

Agrarian University (21008, Vinnitsa, 3, Soniachna str., e-mail: vfostolovich@gmail.com)


The article deals with the place of digitalization in the implementation of business processes at the 

micro level and implementation of strategic goals at the macro level.    The theoretical foundations of the 

development of the digital economy are investigated. The main purpose of the digital economy is outlined. 

Processed ways to implement the digital economy.  The research was carried out to realize the idea of 

digitalizing the economy due to the adequacy of the technical support and the ability of the personnel to 

implement innovative technologies and to spend on their research and implementation procedures.   The 

main directions of the accelerated scenario of the digital development of the country's economy, which are 

envisaged by the Digital Economy Concept, are studied. The elements of digital infrastructure are 

investigated, which will ensure its effective implementation.  The complex of measures envisaged by the 

Concept of digitalization of the economy of Ukraine that will overcome the digital divide and provide an 

additional impetus for the development and well-being of rural inhabitants is studied.

Keywords: digitalization of economics, economic activity, efficiency, technical support, personnel, accelerated digital development scenario.

List of references

1.  Zhukovska V.M. (2017)  Tsyfrovi tekhnolohii v upravlinni personalom: sutnist, tendentsii, rozvytok 

[Digital technologies of hr management: satisfaction, trends, development]. Naukovyi visnyk Mizhnarodnoho 

humanitarnoho universytetu. Seriia: Ekonomika i menedzhment  –  Scientific Bulletin of the International 

Humanities University. Series: Economics and Management, 27(8), 13-17 [in Ukrainian].

2. Kajuchenko A.V. (2009) Informacionnye tehnologii upravlenija predprijatiem kak sovremenyj faktor 

konkurentosposobnosti predprijatija [Information technology enterprise management as a modern factor in the 

competitiveness of the enterprise]. Kreativnaja jekonomika –  Creative economy, 10 (34), 71-76. [in Ukrainian].

3. Kaletnik G.M., Gunko I.V. Innovatsiini platformy orhanizatsii naukovo-dyskusiinykh 

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11. Fostolovych, Ruslan and Fostolovych, Valentyna (2018), “Information resources when forming 

the cost of production in the enterprise management system”,Efektyvna ekonomika, [Online], vol. 9, available at: http://www.economy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=6552 (Accessed 20 Nov 2019). [in Ukrainian].

12. Tsyhanok A. Ukraynskye predpryiatyia nachynaiut vnedriat  tekhnolohyy big data y 

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13. Global Compact Network Ukraine URL:  https://globalcompact.org.ua/join/  (Accessed 25 Jan. 

2019) [in English]. 

14.  Chandrasekaran S., Levin R., Patel H., Roberts R. (2013). Winning with IT in consumer packaged 

goods: Seven trends transforming the role of the CIO. McKinsey & Company URL: https://www.mckinsey.com/

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All journal issues

About journal

Topics of the journal:

051 Economics

071 Accounting and taxation

072 Finance, banking and insurance

073 Management

075 Marketing

076 Business, trade and exchange activities

241 Hotel, restaurant and catering 

281 Public administration


Key information:
ISSN (print): 2411-4413
DOI: 10.37128

The journal “Economy, finances, management: Topical issues of science and practice” is included in the "List of Scientific Professional Editions of Ukraine". 

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(Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 249, March 17, 2020).

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The editorial board of the journal is guided by the principles of scientific, objectivity, professionalism, informational support of the most significant innovative researches, observance of standards of publishing ethics.

The purpose of the journal "Economics, finances, management: Topical issues of science and practical activity» is the coverage of leading scientific ideas in the economic, financial and management activities of the sectors of the national economy and the involvement of representatives of the domestic and foreign scientific professional community.


Objectives of the journal:

  • publication of research findings on innovation in the economy, financial and management spheres, innovation of production processes;
  • expanding partnerships with international scientific publishing organizations;
  • enhancing the culture of reviewing and annotating published material;
  • adherence to editorial ethics.


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History of journal:

It was founded in 1997 under the name "Bulletin of the Vinnytsia State Agricultural Institute". In 2010-2014 he was published under the title “Collection of scientific works of Vinnitsa National Agrarian University”.

From 2015 ”Economy, finances, management: Topical issues of science and practical activity” (Certificate of State Registration of Mass Media No. 21154-10954 of PR as of December 31, 2014)

According to the decision of National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine from 25.04.2024 No. 1337 the scientific journal «Economy, finances, management: topical issues of science and practical activity» has the ID of the Media R30-05171.