
Issue №: 1 (51)
The journal deals with the issues of efficiency of functioning of the national economics and organizational forms of management of the national economy. Attention is paid to the problems of marketing, management and efficiency of production and economic activity of agrarian enterprises. The issues of public administration and administration, accounting and taxation, banking and insurance, forecasting and modeling of economic processes, foreign economic activity, commodity flows of economic entities and their infrastructure support.
HONCHARUK Inna – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation Activity, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (21008, Vinnytsia, 3 Soniachna st, e-mail: vnaunauka2019@gmail.com).
The publication addresses climate change issues caused by fossil fuel emissions. It is established that the rate of increase of the air temperature in Ukraine is ahead of the world tendencies, as a result of which in Ukraine the widespread of droughts, an increase in land areas prone to desertification is probable. The effect of increasing the share of alternative fuels in total energy production on reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the world has been investigated. The volume of electricity consumption by household and non-household consumers and the price increase for them are analyzed; population of Ukraine and employment status of rural population. It is proposed to solve the problems of reducing the burden of payment for energy resources and creating new jobs in rural areas through the creation of energy cooperatives. The concept of "energy cooperative" is defined and economic models of energy cooperatives that can be applied by Ukrainian territorial communities and economic structures to ensure energy autonomy are proposed. The article analyzes the experience of setting up and operating energy cooperatives in the EU Member States, the USA and other countries of the world on the following grounds: field of activity; the form of ownership; sources of financing; social effect and others. Examples of successful operation and emergence of energy cooperatives in Ukrainian communities are provided, which provide energy autonomy for individual agricultural enterprises and community residents through the production of fuel from agricultural and forestry waste; launching a solar or wind power plant that sells electricity to the grid at a “green” rate; biogas production from biomass; production and use of solar water heaters and the like. The author's vision of the main directions of development of economic decarbonisation is formulated.
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2. Martyniuk, A.M., Sakaliuk, D.S., Mariuk, O.V. & Kholodova, N.V. Enerhetychni kooperatyvy: enerhonezalezhnist dlia hromad [Energy cooperatives: energy independence for communities]. Kyiv: Hromadska orhanizatsiia «Ekoklub», 34. Retrieved from https://ua.boell.org/uk/2019/11/28/energetichni-kooperativi-energo-nezalezhnist-dlya-gromad (data zvernennia: 09.04.2020) [in Ukrainian].
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8. Kuzmina, M. (2019). Pravove rehuliuvannia stvorennia ta funktsionuvannia enerhetychnykh kooperatyviv v Ukraini [Legal regulation of creation and functioning of energy cooperatives in Ukraine]. Pidpryiemnytstvo, hospodarstvo i pravo – Entrepreneurship, economy and law, 7, 40-44. Retrieved from DOI: 10.32849/2663-5313.2019.7.7 [in Ukrainian].
9. Shpykuliak, O.H. & Ivanchenko V.O. (2018). Dosvid Nimechchyny u rozvytku enerhetychnykh kooperatyviv: perspektyvy dlia Ukrainy [Germany's experience in the development of energy cooperatives: prospects for Ukraine]. Ekonomika APK – APK economy, 8, 92-101. Retrieved from http://repository.vsau.org/getfile.php/18921.pdf [in Ukrainian].
10. Baiko, R. (2016). Enerhetychni kooperatyvy: dosvid Nimechchyny ta Avstrii: dovidnyk [Energy cooperatives: German and Austrian experience: handbook]. Kyiv : Ofis z finansovoho ta ekonomichnoho analizu u Verkhovnii Radi Ukrainy, 32. Retrieved from https://feao.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/FEAO_Energy_cooperatives.pdf (data zvernennia: 09.04.2020) [in Ukrainian].
11. Kosse, I. (2019). Istorii uspikhu reform [Success stories of reforms]. Kyiv: Instytut ekonomichnykh doslidzhen ta politychnykh konsultatsii, 260. Retrieved from https://rpr.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/rfr_success_stories_book_ua.pdf (data zvernennia: 09.04.2020) [in Ukrainian].
12. Wierling, A., Schwanitz, V.J., Zeiß, J.P., Bout, C., Candelise, C., Gilcrease, W. & Gregg, J.S. (2018). Statistical Evidence on the Role of Energy Cooperatives for the Energy Transition in European Countries. Sustainability, 10(9), 3339. Retrieved from DOI:10.3390/su10093339 [in Switzerland].
13. Zinchenko, A., Skliarov, R. & Bondarchuk, I. (2018). Enerhetyka spilnot: yak enerhetychni kooperatyvy spryiaiut stiikosti hromad po vsomu svitu : dovidnyk [Community energy: how energy cooperatives contribute to community sustainability worldwide : handbook]. Kyiv: Tsentr Ekonomichnoi Demokratii, 13.
14. Honcharuk, I.V. (2017). Rol silskohospodarskykh kooperatyviv u zabezpechenni staloho rozvytku silskykh terytorii Vinnytskoi oblasti [Role of agricultural cooperatives in providing sustainable development of rural areas of Vinnytsia region]. Ekonomika, finansy, menedzhment – Economy, finances, management, 8(24), 56-67. Retrieved from http://repository.vsau.org/getfile.php/15769.pdf [in Ukrainian].
15. Kaletnik, H.M., & Honcharuk, I.V. (2015). Skladovi rozvytku silskykh terytorii ta modeli ahrarnoho pidpryiemnytstva i kooperatsii [Components of rural development and models of agricultural entrepreneurship and cooperation]. Rozvytok maloho i serednoho pidpryiemnytstva ta kooperatsii na seli. Problemy ta perspektyvy: zb. materialiv nauk. konf. i navch.-prakt. seminaru – Development of small and medium-sized enterprises and rural cooperatives. Problems and Prospects: collect. mat. science. conf. and navch.-pract. semin. Vinnytsia : Edelveis i K, 5-13. [in Ukrainian].
16. Kaletnik, H.M., & Honcharuk, T.V. (2013). Innovatsiine zabezpechennia rozvytku biopalyvnoi haluzi: svitovyi ta vitchyznianyi dosvid [Innovative support for the development of the biofuels industry: world and national experience]. Biznes Inform – Business Inform, 9, 155-160. [in Ukrainian].
17. Otsinka vrazlyvosti do zminy klimatu [Climate change vulnerability assessment]. Ukraina. Retrieved from http://climategroup.org.ua/?p=2844 [in Ukrainian].
About journal
051 Economics
071 Accounting and taxation
072 Finance, banking and insurance
073 Management
075 Marketing
076 Business, trade and exchange activities
241 Hotel, restaurant and catering
281 Public administration
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(Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 249, March 17, 2020).
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The editorial board of the journal is guided by the principles of scientific, objectivity, professionalism, informational support of the most significant innovative researches, observance of standards of publishing ethics.
The purpose of the journal "Economics, finances, management: Topical issues of science and practical activity» is the coverage of leading scientific ideas in the economic, financial and management activities of the sectors of the national economy and the involvement of representatives of the domestic and foreign scientific professional community.
Objectives of the journal:
- publication of research findings on innovation in the economy, financial and management spheres, innovation of production processes;
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