Issue №: 2(42)
The magazine deals with the problems of the agricultural sector of the economy in the context of integration and processes of globalization. Attention is paid to the issues of development of digital economy, rural territories, technologies of enterprise management and organization of accounting, problems of legal support of economic processes, market tendencies of development of various branches of economy. Particular attention is paid to green tourism as a promising segment of the national economy.
TYMOSHCHUK Nataliia – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Ukrainian and Foreign Languages Department, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (21008, Vinnytsia, 3 Soniachna Str., e-mail: redish_fox15@ukr.net).
The article investigates the problem of increasing the motivation of students of nonlinguistic higher education institutions to study the new scientific (economic) English vocabulary through the use of game techniques at foreign language classes. The motivation of the higher education institution student who studies a foreign language is a necessary component of the educational process.
Today much attention is paid to the professional training of the future specialists, to the person adapting to the current conditions of the Ukrainian society development. We have become aware of the dominant role of language education. A specialist who speaks a foreign language has better prospects in job searching, studying abroad, participation in international projects and conferences, and getting acquainted with foreign professional experience. Our state is integrating into the European educational, economic and socio-cultural space. That’s why, a foreign language mastering is also necessary for the implementation of such an aspect of professional activity as the establishment of international contacts.
These aspects, of course, determine the structure, goals, content and features of the educational process organization. The motivational and necessary pedagogical conditions for ensuring the qualitative professional training of the future specialist have been searched for an effective motivation of university students to study a foreign professional language, because effective use of motivation allows identifying internal reserves of personality for its development, education and upbringing. Motivation can affect both the performance of activities and the development of the personality.
The aim of the article was to research the problem of increasing the students’ motivation of nonlinguistic higher institutions of education to study the new scientific (economic) English vocabulary through the use of game techniques at foreign language classes.
The main form of teaching a foreign professional language at the university is a lesson. We tried to find out what students of the faculty of management and law of the Vinnytsia National Agrarian University prefer to do at the foreign language classes. It was found that 36% of respondents have choses classes on the new professional terms memorizing; 24% of students have given priority communicative skills; spoken language is prevalent for 22% of respondents; writing various statements and documents is the main thing for 8% of future managers, 10% attend classes to assess their level. So, the vast majority of students of the faculty of management and law of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University want to study new professional vocabulary at their English lessons.
The results of monitoring on problem existing, the optimal form of new term memorizing and the most effective means of teaching and memorizing vocabulary among students of the faculty of management and law of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University are presented. A comparative analysis of the students’ marks and successes before and after the game forms application at the classes of foreign professional language is conducted. It is noted that mastering foreign language professional vocabulary is a key component of a foreign professional language, it enables to increase the efficiency of the educational process, contributes to the formation of a competent specialist who is competitive in modern conditions. The game forms of foreign professional economic vocabulary studying enhance the ability of students to memorize new English-language professional terms effectively.
At our foreign language classes we have used three well-known vocabulary games, i.e. I Have Who Has, the Fly Swat Game, and puzzles for vocabulary training for two months (eight lessons). It should be noted that before the experiment two students (4%) had excellent marks; 20 students (40%) had good marks, 23 (46 %) students had "D" and "E" marks; 5 students (10%) received "FX".
These studies have shown the effectiveness of using game techniques for studying foreign economic vocabulary. It was found that three students (6%) received excellent marks; 24 students (48%) received good marks; 22 students (44%) had "D" and "C" marks; only one student had a "FX" rating.
We agree that the evaluation system is an integral part of the game technique, because it aims to ensure the control of the quality of the acquired knowledge. Of course, such a system performs both control and self-monitoring function. The content of the game form is determined, undoubtedly, by its educational objectives.However, games significantly increased the vocabulary of students; they also led to an increase of their motivation to study a foreign professional language.
We think that vocabulary memorizing depends on the rationally, conscious perception of terminology by the recipients (students). We note that the cognitive approach is actively developing both in Ukrainian and world psychology, cognition, psychonometrics, psycholinguistics and linguistics, is intended to solve a difficult task. It consists both in memorizing foreign words and expressions and mastering the concepts, phenomena, processes, mechanisms. The more informed decisions student take in choosing the word, the higher the level of his cognitive awareness, the better the word is memorized. Thus, the use of game techniques increases the ability of students to remember new words, because they activate their cognitive activity.
It is proved that the analyzed form of economic vocabulary teaching significantly improves the ability of students to memorize the new English-language professional terms effectively, increased their motivation to study the new terminology of the business English language.
This publication has not researched all the aspects of the multifaceted nature of the problem under study, therefore, further research is considered promising. It is recommended to analyze the cognitive approach in teaching students of English terminology.
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051 Economics
071 Accounting and taxation
072 Finance, banking and insurance
073 Management
075 Marketing
076 Business, trade and exchange activities
241 Hotel, restaurant and catering
281 Public administration
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