
Issue №: 1 (63)
The journal deals with the issues of efficiency of functioning of the national economics and organizational forms of management of the national economy. Attention is paid to the problems of marketing, management and efficiency of production and economic activity of agrarian enterprises. The issues of public administration and administration, accounting and taxation, banking and insurance, forecasting and modeling of economic processes, foreign economic activity, commodity flows of economic entities and their infrastructure support.
STAVSKA Uliya – Candidate of Economical Science, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of International Management, Hotel and Restaurant Business and Tourism, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (21008, Vinnytsia, 3, Soniachna Str., e-mail: usv.urf@ukr.net).
The article researches the current state of the HoReCa market in Ukraine. It is noted that the specificity of the HoReCa market is that everything is focused on potential customers of a particular restaurant, hotel or other establishment. Features of the HoReCa market in Ukraine are described. The structuring of the domestic food market was carried out and it was found that more than 50% are occupied by restaurants and cafes. At the same time, a reduction in hotels and a low concentration of visitors to food establishments compared to European counterparts were noted.
An analysis of the activity indicators of the subjects of the hotel and restaurant sector in Ukraine for the period 2018-2022 was carried out in physical and monetary terms. A marketing study of the current situation of the HoReCa market was conducted, taking into account the military situation in Ukraine, namely: the dynamics of development indicators and the capacity of this market; sales structure, taking into account the variety of food products of restaurant establishments of different forms of ownership; the cost of raw materials of suppliers depending on the region of Ukraine, as well as the variability of food by the region, types of hotel and restaurant establishments. The economic activity of the most powerful entities of the HoReCa market in Ukraine, their investment attractiveness and the risks that may threaten it have been studied.
The most noticeable current trends in the HoReCa market of Ukraine, which has received their further development in the future, including during the war, were evaluated, namely: Dark Kitchen or a kitchen without a restaurant; shop-restaurant, shop-cafe and other combinations; Drive In or the concept of in-car service; Food Box or the concept of delivering «food kits» with step-by-step recipes for cooking «restaurant» dishes; vending machines – food preparation and sales jobs.
Problem areas of the restaurant activity were investigated. The emergence of new restaurants in 2022 in the central and western regions of the country was studied. The specific trends of the changes in the structure of demand for food products in the HoReCa market of Ukraine in 2022 are characterized.
1. Analiz rynku hromadskoho kharchuvannia (HoReCa, keiterynh, a takozh kharchuvannia na AZS) [Analysis of the catering market (HoReCa, catering, as well as catering at gas stations)]. pro-consulting.ua. Retrieved from: https://pro-consulting.ua/ua/pressroom/analiz-rynka-obshestvennogo-pitaniya-horeca-kejtering-takzhe-PitanieNa-AZS [in Ukrainian].
2. Viina i hostynnist. Novi zaklady lita – serpen 2022 roku [War and hospitality. New facilities for summer – August 2022]. restaurant-consulting.com.ua. Retrieved from: https://restaurant-consulting.com.ua/uk/vijna-i-gostinnist-novi-zakladi-lita-serpen-2022-roku [in Ukrainian].
3. Hrosul, V.A., & Balatska, N.Yu. (2020). Model otsinky mozhlyvostei rozvytku pidpryiemstv restorannoho biznesu Ukrainy v umovakh pandemii COVID-19 [A model for assessing the development opportunities of restaurant business enterprises of Ukraine in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic]. Vcheni zapysky Tavriiskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni V.I. Vernadskoho, seriia «Ekonomika i upravlinnia» – Academic notes of the Tavriysky National University named after V.I. Vernadskyi, «Economics and Management» series, 31 (70), 3, 121-126. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32838/2523-4803/70-3-20 [in Ukrainian].
4. Z pochatku viiny v Ukraini zakrylosia blyzko 7 tysiach restoraniv ta kafe [Since the beginning of the war, about 7,000 restaurants and cafes have closed in Ukraine]. voxukraine.org. Retrieved from: https://voxukraine.org/rynok-horeca-pid-chas-vijny- potochnyj-stanta-klyuchovi-tendentsiyi/ [in Ukrainian].
5. Ofitsiinyi sait Derzhavnoi sluzhby statystyky Ukrainy [Official website of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine]. ukrstat.gov.ua. Retrieved from: https://www. ukrstat.gov.ua [in Ukrainian].
6. Obsiah restorannoho rynku v Ukraini u 2021 rotsi [The volume of the restaurant market in Ukraine in 2021]. restaurant-consulting.com.ua. Retrieved from: https://restaurant-consulting.com.ua/uk/obsjag-restorannogo-rinku-v-ukraini-u-2021-roci [in Ukrainian].
7. Pjatnycjka, Gh.T., & Najdjuk V.S. (2017). Suchasni trendy rozvytku restorannogho ghospodarstva v Ukrajini [The modern trends in the development of the restaurant industry in Ukraine]. Ekonomika ta derzhava – Economy and state, 9, 66-73 [in Ukrainian].
8. Restorannyi biznes pid chas viiny: de naibilsh intensyvno vidkryvaiutsia novi zaklady [Restaurant business during the war: where new establishments are opening most intensively]. 24tv.ua. Retrieved from: https://24tv.ua/business/restoranniy-biznespid-chas-viyni-vidkrittya-restoraniv- ukrayini_n2151721 [in Ukrainian].
9. Restorannyi biznes u voiennyi chas: yaka yizha, prymishchennia ta v yakykh mistakh korystuiutsia popytom [Restaurant business in wartime: what food, premises and in which cities are in demand]. delo.ua. Retrieved from: https://delo.ua/uk/business/restorannii-biznes-u-vojennii-cas-yaka-yiza-primishhennya-ta-v-yakix- mistaxkoristuyutsya- popitom-398364/ [in Ukrainian].
10. Spozhyvannia produktiv kharchuvannia HoReCa v Ukraini: vid karantynnykh obmezhen do realii viiny [HoReCa food consumption in Ukraine: from quarantine restrictions to the realities of war]. pro-consulting.ua. Retrieved from: https://pro-consulting.ua/ua/pressroom/potreblenie-produktov-pitaniya-v-horeca-v-ukraine-ot-karantinnyh-ogranichenij-k-realiyam-vojny [in Ukrainian].
11. Stavska, Yu.V., & Yakhno, L.S. (2021). Formuvannia konkurentnykh perevah restorannoho biznesu v umovakh Yevrointehratsii [Formation of competitive advantages of the restaurant business in the conditions of European integration]. Ekonomika, finansy, menedzhment: aktualni pytannia nauky i praktyky – Economics, finance, management: topical issues of science and practical activity, 2 (56), 181-196. DOI: 10.37128/2411-4413-2021-2-13 [in Ukrainian].
12. Tabenska, O.I. (2019). Innovatsiini tendentsii rozvytku restorannoho biznesu [Innovative trends in the restaurant business]. Ekonomika. Finansy. Pravo – Economics. Finance. Law, 1, 31-34 [in Ukrainian].
13. Trendy kharchovoi industrii 2023 vid lideriv rynku [Food industry trends 2023 from market leaders]. horeca-ukraine.com. Retrieved from: https://horeca-ukraine.com/lideri-harchovoi-industrii-diljatsja-trendami-2023/ [in Ukrainian].
14. Ukrains’ka Restoranna Asotsiatsiya [Ukrainian Restaurant Association]. uk.uara.org.ua. Retrieved from: https://uk.uara.org.ua [in Ukrainian].
About journal
051 Economics
071 Accounting and taxation
072 Finance, banking and insurance
073 Management
075 Marketing
076 Business, trade and exchange activities
241 Hotel, restaurant and catering
281 Public administration
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The purpose of the journal "Economics, finances, management: Topical issues of science and practical activity» is the coverage of leading scientific ideas in the economic, financial and management activities of the sectors of the national economy and the involvement of representatives of the domestic and foreign scientific professional community.
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