Issue №: 2 (56)
The journal deals with the issues of efficiency of functioning of the national economics and organizational forms of management of the national economy. Attention is paid to the problems of marketing, management and efficiency of production and economic activity of agrarian enterprises. The issues of public administration and administration, accounting and taxation, banking and insurance, forecasting and modeling of economic processes, foreign economic activity, commodity flows of economic entities and their infrastructure support.
DMYTRIV Dmytro – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Economic Cybernetics, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University (46001, Ternopil, 56, Ruska Str., е-mail: dmytrivd75@gmail.com).
DMYTRIV Оlena – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Automation of Technological Processes and Production, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University (46001, Ternopil, 56, Ruska Str., е-mail: rogatynska_o@ukr.net).
DENKEVYCH Mariia-Mariana – First Year Master’s Student of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University (46001, Ternopil, 56, Ruska Str., е-mail: maryana_denkevych@ukr.net).
The development of modern transport system connected with intensification of competitive struggle against the background of digitalization of transport processes requires domestic road carriers to find effective methods of increasing their own competitiveness in the international market of transport services.
The article is devoted to the ways of increasing the competitiveness of domestic road transport enterprises in the segment of international road freight transport. Scientific approaches of interpretation of the term competitiveness of motor transport enterprises in terms of marketing, management, resource provision and profitability are considered. On the basis of the conducted review, a vision of competitiveness of motor transport enterprises in the segment of international cargo transportation is offered. Scientific researches devoted to the influence of management, marketing logistic methods on the competitiveness of motor transport enterprises are highlighted. The authors have compared scientific views on the choice and grouping of the factors of influence on the competitiveness of domestic motor transport enterprises and have offered the grouping of factors of influence on the competitiveness according to the possibility of their quantitative assessment. Existing methods for assessing the competitiveness of road transport enterprises were characterized. Modern tendencies of digital technologies implementation in transport systems activity have been investigated and the necessity of their implementation in the activity of domestic motor transport enterprises in the segment of international motor cargo transportations has been proved. The basic problems that hinder the implementation of modern digital technologies in the activities of domestic enterprises in the segment of international road freight transport haulage are formulated. Ways of improving the competitiveness of domestic enterprises in the segment of international road freight transport in today’s business environment have been proposed.
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2. Borysjuk, I.O., & Meljnyk, K.O. (2018). Upravlinnja konkurentospromozhnistju avtotransportnogho pidpryjemstva [Management of competitiveness of the motor transport enterprise]. Modern Еconomics, 12, 6-11 [in Ukrainian].
3. Dolzhansjkyj, I.Z., & Zaghorna, T.O. (2006). Konkurentospromozhnistj pidpryjemstva [Competitiveness of the enterprise]. Kyiv: Centr navchaljnoji literatury [in Ukrainian].
4. Djachenko, T.O. (2002). Vyznachennja konkurentospromozhnosti avtotransportnykh pidpryjemstv ta strateghiji jj pidvyshhennja [Determining the competitiveness of motor transport enterprises and strategies to increase it]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Kyiv: Natsionalnyi aviatsiinyi universytet Ministerstva osvity i nauky Ukrainy [in Ukrainian].
5. Djachenko, T.O., & Sjedoj, V.Gh. (2019). Metodychni aspekty ocinky konkurentospromozhnosti avtotransportnykh pidpryjemstv [Methodological aspects of assessing the competitiveness of motor transport enterprises]. Prychornomorsjki ekonomichni studiji – Black Sea Economic Studies, 40, 99-106 [in Ukrainian].
6. Zheleznjak, K.L. (2015). Mekhanizm formuvannja strateghiji prosuvannja transportnykh poslugh pidpryjemstv [The mechanism of formation of strategy of advancement of transport services of the enterprises]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Kyiv: Natsionalnyi transportnyi universytet [in Ukrainian].
7. Zhovnovach, R.I. (2016). Upravlinnja konkurentospromozhnistju pidpryjemstv siljsjkoghospodarsjkogho mashynobuduvannja [Management of competitiveness of agricultural machinery enterprises]. Doctor’s thesis. Mariupolj: DVNZ «Pryazovsjkyj derzhavnyj tekhnichnyj universytet» [in Ukrainian].
8. Kindij, M.V., & Malysh, Ja.V. (2014). Chynnyky ta jikh vplyv na formuvannja taryfiv na mizhnarodni vantazhni avtomobiljni perevezennja [Factors and their influence on the formation of tariffs for international road haulage]. Visnyk Nacionaljnogho universytetu «Ljvivsjka politekhnika». Loghistyka – Bulletin of the National University «Lviv Polytechnic». Logistics, 811, 156-161 [in Ukrainian].
9. Kozina, K.Gh. (2015). Analiz rynku mizhnarodnykh avtotransportnykh vantazhnykh perevezenj: suchasnyj stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku [Analysis of the market of international road freight transport: current status and prospects]. Naukovyj visnyk Mizhnarodnogho ghumanitarnogho universytetu. Serija: Ekonomika i menedzhment – Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanities University. Series: Economics and Management, 10, 134-138 [in Ukrainian].
10. Kozina, K.Gh. (2020). Ocinjuvannja stanu ta rozvytok reghionaljnykh rynkiv vantazhnykh avtotransportnykh perevezenj [Assessment of the state and development of regional markets of freight road transport]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Ivano-Frankivsjk: State University «Precarpathian National University. Vasily Stefanik» [in Ukrainian].
11. Kozina, K.Gh. (2014). Teoretyko-metodychni osnovy faktornogho analizu konkurentospromozhnosti mizhnarodnykh avtotransportnykh vantazhnykh perevezenj Ukrajiny [Theoretical and methodological bases of factor analysis of competitiveness of international road freight transportation of Ukraine]. Naukovyj visnyk Khersonsjkogho derzhavnogho universytetu. Serija: Ekonomichni nauky – Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Series: Economic Science, 6(2), 203-206 [in Ukrainian].
12. Maksjuta, M.S., & Djachenko, T.O. (2020). Osoblyvosti upravlinnja konkurentospromozhnistju na transportnykh pidpryjemstvakh. Innovacijni rishennja v suchasnij nauci, osviti ta praktyci: Materialy I Mizhnarodnoji naukovo-praktychnoji internet-konferenciji (naukove vydannja). Kyiv: Nacionaljnyj transportnyj universytet, 1, 216-219 [in Ukrainian].
13. Mitchenko, Gh.V. (2015). Orghanizacijno-ekonomichne zabezpechennja strateghichnogho marketynghu na pidpryjemstvakh avtomobiljnogho transport [Organizational and economic support of strategic marketing at road transport enterprises]. Candidate’s thesis. Kyiv: Nacionaljnyj transportnyj universytet [in Ukrainian].
14. Nykyforuk, O.I., Stasjuk, O.M., Chmyrjova, L.Ju., & Fedjaj, N.O. (2019). Cyfrovizacija v transportnomu sektori: tendenciji ta indykatory rozvytku. Chastyna 1 [Digitization in the transport sector: trends and indicators of development. Part 1]. Statystyka Ukrajiny – Statistics of Ukraine, 3, 70-81 [in Ukrainian].
15. Nykyforuk, O.I., Stasjuk, O.M., Chmyrjova, L.Ju., & Fedjaj, N.O. (2019). Cyfrovizacija v transportnomu sektori: tendenciji ta indykatory rozvytku. Chastyna 2 [Digitization in the transport sector: trends and indicators of development. Part 2]. Statystyka Ukrajiny – Statistics of Ukraine, 4, 48-64 [in Ukrainian].
16. Ponomarjov, A.M. (2012). Vyznachennja osnovnykh parametriv marketynghu ta loghistyky pry funkcionuvanni ATP na rynku mizhnarodnykh vantazhnykh perevezenj [Determining the main parameters of marketing and logistics in the functioning of ATP in the international freight market]. Problemy i perspektyvy rozvytku pidpryjemnyctva – Problems and prospects of entrepreneurship development, 2, 45-49 [in Ukrainian].
17. Ponomarjova, N.M., & Ponomarjov, A.M. (2012). Teoretychni aspekty autsorsinghu u sferi mizhnarodnykh avtomobiljnykh vantazhnykh perevezenj [Theoretical aspects of outsourcing in the field of international road haulage]. Problemy i perspektyvy rozvytku pidpryjemnyctva – Problems and prospects of entrepreneurship development, 1, 61-65 [in Ukrainian].
18. Ponomarjova, N.M., & Ponomarjov, A.M. (2011). Formuvannja mekhanizmu vzajemodiji avtotransportnogho pidpryjemstva iz subjektamy rynku mizhnarodnykh vantazhnykh perevezenj [Formation of the mechanism of interaction of the motor transport enterprise with subjects of the market of the international freight transportations]. Marketyngh i menedzhment innovacij – Marketing and innovation management, 4 (1), 196-201 [in Ukrainian].
19. Snizhko, L.L., & Ghlavacjkyj, P.V. (2011). Vyznachennja ta ocinka chynnykiv, shho vplyvajutj na rivenj konkurentospromozhnosti ukrajinsjkykh pidpryjemstv v sferi mizhnarodnykh avtomobiljnykh perevezenj [Identification and assessment of factors influencing the level of competitiveness of Ukrainian enterprises in the field of international road transport]. Upravlinnja proektamy, systemnyj analiz i loghistyka. Tekhnichna serija – Project management, systems analysis and logistics. Technical series, 8, 354-359 [in Ukrainian].
20. Transportna strateghija Ukrajiny na period do 2030 roku [Transport strategy of Ukraine for the period up to 2030]. zakon.rada.gov.ua. Retrieved from: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/430-2018-%D1%80#Text [in Ukrainian].
21. Janovsjka, V.P., & Kyrychenko, Gh.V. (2020). Osoblyvosti formuvannja strateghiji rozvytku nacionaljnykh avtotransportnykh pereviznykiv [Features of formation of strategy of development of national motor carriers]. Menedzhment ta pidpryjemnyctvo v Ukrajini: etapy stanovlennja ta problemy rozvytku – Management and entrepreneurship in Ukraine: stages of formation and problems of development, 2, 2, 92-108 [in Ukrainian].
About journal
051 Economics
071 Accounting and taxation
072 Finance, banking and insurance
073 Management
075 Marketing
076 Business, trade and exchange activities
241 Hotel, restaurant and catering
281 Public administration
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