Issue №: 2 (56)
The journal deals with the issues of efficiency of functioning of the national economics and organizational forms of management of the national economy. Attention is paid to the problems of marketing, management and efficiency of production and economic activity of agrarian enterprises. The issues of public administration and administration, accounting and taxation, banking and insurance, forecasting and modeling of economic processes, foreign economic activity, commodity flows of economic entities and their infrastructure support.
PRAVDIUK Nataliia − Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Accounting, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (21008, Vinnytsia, 3, Soniachna Str., e-mail: npravduyk@gmail.com).
Information tools for ensuring strategic development are investigated on the example of agricultural enterprises. The methodological foundations of the content of basic categories for the management of strategic development are revealed, the components of the structure of its information support are highlighted and it is determined that the information support of the strategic development of agricultural enterprises is scientifically grounded management of the process of constant growth of the volume of information and knowledge through traditional and new tools for processing and analyzing information by means of accounting. ts use in the activities of producers to obtain competitive advantages and the formation of an effective agricultural policy. The role was determined, the state was assessed, the tasks were defined and the features and problems of economic development and information support of agricultural enterprises were identified. Based on strategic tools, the main directions of improving information support for the strategic development of agricultural enterprises include those based on the intensification of information flows and analytical processing of the entire information array, the development of internal information architecture and ensuring the harmonization of information and communication chains. These include: automation of procedures for accumulation, processing, modulation and storage of documents; introduction of new tools of information and communication technologies; optimization of the rhythm of information flows; harmonization of internal and external information and communication chains; introduction of network tools for information and communication interactions; elimination of duplication of information; minimization of information noise, etc. The implementation of measures to provide information support for the strategic development of agricultural enterprises will facilitate the transition to its new quality and ensure the generation of competitive advantages, improve the quality of information processing; stimulates the formation of a flexible information architecture; will reduce the complexity and cost of information support.
1. Bokovecz, V.V., & Prutska, T.Yu. (2017). Formuvannya ta obgruntuvannya strategiyi innovacijnogo rozvytku korporatyvnyx pidpryyemstv [Formation and substantiation of the strategy of innovative development of corporate enterprises]. Infrastruktura rynku – Market infrastructure, 6, 79-84 [in Ukrainian].
2. Gudzenko, N.M., Koval, N.I., Plaxtij, T.F. (2018). Vplyv informacijnyx potreb korystuvachiv na strukturu ta napovnennya finansovoyi zvitnosti [The impact of information needs of users on the structure and content of financial statements]. Ekonomika, Finansy, Menedzhment: aktualni pytannya nauky i praktyky – Economy, Finances, Management: current issues of science and practice, 5, 102-113 [in Ukrainian].
3. Kaletnik, G.M. Cixanovska, V.M. & Cixanovska, O.M. (2011). Menedzhment ta marketyng [Management and marketing]. Kyiv: «Xaj-Tek Pres» [in Ukrainian].
4. Kaletnik, G.M., Kolesov, O.S., & Nedbalyuk, O.O. (2013). Operacijnyj menedzhment [Operational Management]. Kyiv: «Xaj-Tek Pres» [in Ukrainian].
5. Koriuhin, A.V. (2017). Osoblyvosti upravlinnia stratehichnym rozvytkom pidpryiemstva [Features of management of strategic development of the enterprise]. Universytetski naukovi zapysky – University scientific notes, 4, 184-206 [in Ukrainian].
6. Polovynkina, A.O., & Solntsev S.O. (2020). Model didzhytalizatsii panelnykh doslidzhen [Model of digitalization of panel doslidzhen]. Aktualni problemy ekonomiky i upravlinnia – Actual problems of economy and management, 14. Retrieved from: http://ape.fmm.kpi.ua/issue/view/10682 [in Ukrainian].
7. Pravdyuk, A.L., Prutska, T.Yu., & Pravdyuk, M.V. (2019). Informatsiine zabezpechennia upravlinnia pidpryiemnytskoiu diialnistiu na zasadakh instytutsionalizmu [Information support for the management of entrepreneurial activity on the basis of institutionalism]. Kyiv: Tsentr uchbovoi literatury [in Ukrainian].
8. Prutska, T.Yu. (2016). Priorytetni napryamy rozbudovy infrastruktury pidtrymky pidpryyemnycztva v agrarnij sferi ta efektyvnogo zemlekorystuvannya [Priority areas for the development of infrastructure to support entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector and efficient land use]. Ekonomika, Finansy, Menedzhment: aktualni pytannya nauky i praktyky – Economy, Finances, Management: current issues of science and practice, 2, 36-45 [in Ukrainian].
9. Fostolovych, V.A. (2016). Informacijno-analitychna baza v integrovanij systemi upravlinnya pidpryyemstvom [Information and analytical base in the integrated enterprise management system]. Problemy ekonomichnogo, oblikovogo, kontrolnogo i analitychnogo zabezpechennya upravlinnya pidpryyemstvom: materialy II Vseukr. nauk.-praktych. konf. molod. Uchenyx. Vinnytsia: «Edelvejs i K» [in Ukrainian].
10. Yurchuk, N.P. (2015). Informatsiyni systemy v upravlinni diyalnistyu pidpryyemstva [Information systems in the management of the enterprise]. Ahrosvit – Аgroworld , 19, 53-58 [in Ukrainian].
11. Babenko, V., Nakisko, O., & Mykolenko, I. (2018). Research of the aspects of modeling of the project management of risk of implementation system information support. Technology audit and production reserves, 1(4), 64-69 [in English].
12. Brukhanskyi, R., & Furman, O. (2017). Accounting information positioning of agrarian business socio-economic strategy. Scientific Bulletin of Polissya, 1 (9), 72-79 [in English].
13. Ihnatenko, M., & Marmul, L. (2020). Directions of implementation of innovations in agrarian enterprises of Ukraine. Vectors of competitive development of socio-economic systems, 5 (31), 32-35 [in English].
14. Kaletnik, G., & Lutkovska, S. (2020). Innovative Environmental Strategy for Sustainable Development. European Journal of Sustainable Developmen, 9, 89-98 [in English].
15. Kyrylov, Y., Hranovska, V., Zhosan, H., & Dotsenko, I. (2020). Innovative Development of Agrarian Enterprises of Ukraine in the Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Solid State Technology, 63, 6, 1430-1448 [in English].
16. Pravdiuk, N., Pokynchereda, V., & Pravdiuk, M. (2019). The human capital of an enterprise: theory and assessment methodology. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5, 2, 176-183 [in English].
17. Ofitsiinyi sait Natsionalnoho banku Ukrainy [Official site of the National Bank of Ukraine]. bank.gov.ua. Retrieved from: https:// bank.gov.ua [in Ukrainian].
18. Ofitsiinyi sait Derzhavnoi sluzhby statystyky Ukrainy [Official site of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine]. ukrstat.gov.ua. Retrieved from: http://www. /https://ukrstat.gov.ua [in Ukrainian].
About journal
051 Economics
071 Accounting and taxation
072 Finance, banking and insurance
073 Management
075 Marketing
076 Business, trade and exchange activities
241 Hotel, restaurant and catering
281 Public administration
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The purpose of the journal "Economics, finances, management: Topical issues of science and practical activity» is the coverage of leading scientific ideas in the economic, financial and management activities of the sectors of the national economy and the involvement of representatives of the domestic and foreign scientific professional community.
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