
Issue №: 4 (54)
The journal deals with the issues of efficiency of functioning of the national economics and organizational forms of management of the national economy. Attention is paid to the problems of marketing, management and efficiency of production and economic activity of agrarian enterprises. The issues of public administration and administration, accounting and taxation, banking and insurance, forecasting and modeling of economic processes, foreign economic activity, commodity flows of economic entities and their infrastructure support.
MAZUR Kateryna – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Acting Head of the Department of Agrarian Management and Marketing, Faculty of Management and Law, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (21000, Vinnytsia, Pirogova 3, building 5, e-mail: kv_mazur@ukr.net).
The global economic crisis and the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic are shaping strong trends of deterioration in food security around the world. At the same time, it is expected that in the 2020/21 crop year, world grain markets will remain secure despite the reduction in production and stocks in October compared to September. However, there are certain systemic problems in agriculture in Ukraine exacerbated by quarantine measures, especially at the level of small farms.
The paper presents some of main problematic aspects in the agricultural sector. The solution of the considered problem aspects lying in the plane of development of innovative approaches of sustainable agriculture integration, introduction of special measures and definition of indicators of efficiency of such measures presented in given paper. This study aims to identify strategic approaches to reducing the gap between knowledge creation and dissemination in the innovative development of the agricultural market through the introduction and dissemination of sustainable agricultural practices.
It is shown that in order to ensure competitiveness in the markets of agricultural products, producers need to innovate. The studied examples of successful implementation of innovative projects in the field of agricultural production in the world allowed summarizing the experience and proposing strategic approaches to the development of the domestic agricultural market. The proposed strategic approaches can provide a space for an open dialogue on technologies and ways of commercializing products. The recommendations proposed in this paper are aimed at further research into ways and means of creating horizontal and vertical networks and platforms that provide knowledge dissemination (creation and training), create new markets, resources, and provide political support at various levels of government for interaction with national and international organizations.
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2. Loconto, A., Poisot, A.S. & Santacoloma, P. (eds.). (2016). Innovative markets for sustainable agriculture – How innovations in market institutions encourage sustainable agriculture in developing countries. Rome: FAO/INRA.
3. Kaletnik, G., & Lutkovska, S. (2020). Innovative Environmental Strategy for Sustainable Development. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 9(2), 89-98.
4. Mazur, A., & Mazur, K. (2020). The problems of the cooperative formations development in agricultural economy. East European Scientific Journal : wschodnioeuropejskie czasopismo naukowe, 1(53), 31-36.
5. Pronko, L., Furman, I., Kucher, A., & Gontaruk, Y. (2020). Formation of a State Support Program for Agricultural Producers in Ukraine Considering World Experience. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 9(1), 364-379.
6. Pryshliak, V. (2019). Development of innovational technologies of agricultural machines projecting and their influence on the formation of professional competencies of agricultural engineer. VII International scientific congress agricultural machinery. (pp. 3). Burgas.
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8. Yaremchuk, N. (2020). Grain subcomplex: problems and development prospects. The scientific heritage, 47, 106-114.
9. Kaletnik, G. M. (2009). Rol ahropromyslovoho kompleksu Ukrainy u vyrishenni problem enerhetychnoi ta ekolohichnoi bezpeky derzhavy [The role of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine in solving the problems of energy and environmental security of the state]. Ahrosvit – Agrosvit, 22, 2-5 [in Ukrainian].
10. Kaletnik, G. M. (2018). Dyversyfikatsiia rozvytku vyrobnytstva biopalyv – osnova zabezpechennia prodovolchoi, enerhetychnoi, ekonomichnoi ta ekolohichnoi bezpeky Ukrainy [Diversification of biofuel production development is the basis for ensuring food, energy, economic and environmental security of Ukraine]. Visnyk ahrarnoi nauky – Bulletin of Agricultural Science, 11, 169-176 [in Ukrainian].
11. Lutsyak, V.V., Kolesnyk, T.V. (2019). Doslidzhennia suchasnykh problem formuvannia marketynhovykh kanaliv rozpodilu produktsii malykh ta serednikh fermerskykh hospodarstv [Research of modern problems of formation of marketing channels of distribution of production of small and average farms]. Theory, methodology and practice of economic and financial activities of enterprises, (pp. 187-195). Poltava: CFEND, PP «Astraya» [in Ukrainian].
12. Malik, M.Y., Shpykulyak, O.G., Mamchur, V.A., et al. (2019). Rozvytok silskohospodarskoi kooperatsii ta intehratsiini protsesy v ahrarnomu sektori ekonomiky [Development of agricultural cooperation and integration processes in the agricultural sector of the economy]. M.J. Malik (Ed.). K.: NNC «IAE» [in Ukrainian].
13. Furman, I.V. (2020). Stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku zernoproduktovoho kompleksu Vinnytskoi oblasti [State and prospects of development of grain product complex of Vinnytsia region]. Slovak international scientific journal, 43(3), 36-45 [in Ukrainian].
14. Furman, I.V., & Gontaruk, J.V. (2019). Teoretychni osnovy formuvannia stratehii rozvytku ahrarnykh pidpryiemstv zernovoho napriamku [Theoretical bases of formation of strategy of development of the agrarian enterprises of the grain direction]. Investytsii: praktyka ta dosvid, 2019, 23, 80-87 [in Ukrainian].
15. Furman, I.V., & Pronko, L.M. (2019). Formuvannia derzhavnoi prohramy pidtrymky pidpryiemstv-ahrovyrobnykiv Ukrainy z urakhuvanniam svitovoho dosvidu [Formation of the state program of support of the enterprises-agricultural producers of Ukraine taking into account world experience]. Ekonomika APK - The Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex, 11, 85–95 [in Ukrainian].
16. Shpykulyak, O.G., & Malik, M.Y. (2019). Instytutsionalnyi analiz rozvytku pidpryiemnytstva v ahrarnomu sektori ekonomiky: metodychnyi aspekt [Institutional analysis of business development in the agricultural sector of the economy: methodological aspect]. Ekonomika APK - The Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex, 6, 73–82 [in Ukrainian].
About journal
051 Economics
071 Accounting and taxation
072 Finance, banking and insurance
073 Management
075 Marketing
076 Business, trade and exchange activities
241 Hotel, restaurant and catering
281 Public administration
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The purpose of the journal "Economics, finances, management: Topical issues of science and practical activity» is the coverage of leading scientific ideas in the economic, financial and management activities of the sectors of the national economy and the involvement of representatives of the domestic and foreign scientific professional community.
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