Issue №: 2 (56)
The journal deals with the issues of efficiency of functioning of the national economics and organizational forms of management of the national economy. Attention is paid to the problems of marketing, management and efficiency of production and economic activity of agrarian enterprises. The issues of public administration and administration, accounting and taxation, banking and insurance, forecasting and modeling of economic processes, foreign economic activity, commodity flows of economic entities and their infrastructure support.
HONCHARUK Inna – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Activity, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (21008, Vinnytsia, 3, Soniachna Str., e-mail: vnaunauka2020@gmail.com).
KOVALCHUK Svitlana – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (21008, Vinnytsia, 3, Soniachna Str., e-mail: syk_vsau@ukr.net).
FEDOROSCHAK Joseph – Head of the Department of Scientific and Innovative Development, Yaltushkivska Research and Selection Station of the Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beets of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine of Educational-Scientific-Industrial Complex «All-Ukrainian Scientific and Educational Consortium» (23021, Vinnytsia region, Bar district, Chereshneve, 15, Sempolovsky Str., e-mail: vmv_dss@ukr.net).
The functioning of a transparent, state-regulated market circulation of seeds and garden material in prospect has to develop along the market path. The article notes that ensuring the competitiveness of domestic agricultural products, increasing gross income in the crop production industry can be provided if the country joins the Schemes for Variety Certification of Seeds of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (hereinafter – OECD). It has been emphasized that an equal partnership in the world market of sugar beet seeds, increasing the varietal purity of domestic seed material and increasing yields will be ensured by varietal certification. Joining the Variety Certification Schemes will have a positive impact on the interests of business entities and the state. The necessity of the procedure for certification of seeds to international requirements was clarified in order to ensure and eliminate the discrepancies that existed in the current legislation and some SSTU. The development of the market of beet seeds has been investigated with the help of V&V (verification and validation), this diagnostic method is the best way to solve problems in various unpredictable situations in order to avoid them or prevent them from spreading at different stages of market development. The V-shaped model for diagnosing the development of the market of beet seeds reflects some of the relevant trends in the V&V context. The efficiency of the regulatory environment in the field of seed production has been analysed. It has been proven that the most promising and most effective in this direction are seed-breeding centres – formations created on the basis of scientific institutions of a seed-breeding profile. The leader in this industry is the Yaltushkivska Experimental Breeding Station of the Institute of Bioenergetic Crops and Sugar Beet of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, which is part of the Educational-Scientific-Industrial Complex «All-Ukrainian Scientific-Educational Consortium» (hereinafter - Yaltushkivska RSS IBC and SB NAAS of Ukraine). It has been substantiated that an important task of the Yaltushkivska RSS IBC and SB NAAS of Ukraine is to become the centre for the implementation of the Schemes of the varietal certification system of seeds.
1. Lypchuk, V.V., & Malakhovskyi, D.V. (2015). Orhanizatsiino-ekonomichni problemy rozvytku nasinnytstva zernovykh kultur [Organizational and economic problems of grain seed production development]. Ekonomika APK – Economics of agro-industrial complex, 12, 28-35 [in Ukrainian].
2. Pro Uhodu pro asotsiatsiiu Ukraina-YeS [On the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement]. mfa.gov.ua. Retrieved from: https://mfa.gov.ua/yevropejska-integraciya/ugoda-pro-asociaciyu-mizh-ukrayinoyu-ta-yes/pro-ugodu-pro-asociaciyu-ukrayina-yes [in Ukrainian].
3. Barban, O.B., Stadnichenko, O.A., & Maslechkin, V.V. (2019). Teoretychni zasady zabezpechennia okhorony prav na sorty roslyn v Ukraini ta krainakh Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu [Theoretical principles of protection of plant variety rights in Ukraine and the European Union]. Naukovo-praktychna konferentsiia «Problemni pytannia adaptatsii zakonodavstva Ukrainy do zakonodavstva Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu u sferi okhorony prav na sorty roslyn» – Scientific-practical conference «Problematic issues of adaptation of the legislation of Ukraine to the legislation of the European Union in the field of protection of plant variety rights». Kyiv. Retrieved from: http://confer.uiesr.sops.gov.ua [in Ukrainian].
4. Skhemy OESR sortovoi sertyfikatsii abo kontroliu nasinnia, pryznachenoho dlia mizhnarodnoi torhivli [OECD schemes for varietal certification or control of seeds intended for international trade]. ips.ligazakon.net. Retrieved from: https://ips.ligazakon.net/document/MU19097 [in Ukrainian].
5. Zakon Ukrainy «Pro nasinnia i sadyvnyi material» [Law of Ukraine «On Seeds and Planting Material»]. (n.d.). zakon.rada.gov.ua. Retrieved from: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/411-15#Text [in Ukrainian].
6. Zminy v zakonodavstvi shchodo poriadku provedennia sertyfikatsii nasinnia ta sadyvnoho materialu [Changes in the legislation on the procedure for certification of seeds and planting material]. zak-dpss.gov.ua. Retrieved from: http://zak-dpss.gov.ua/index.php?page=news&id=2023 [in Ukrainian].
7. Stepanov, D.S. (2019). Diahnostyka ekonomichnoi bezpeky silskohospodarskykh pidpryiemstv [Diagnosis of economic security of agricultural enterprises]. Doctor’s thesis. Kherson [in Ukrainian].
8. V-model [V-model]. coderlessons.com. Retrieved from: https://coderlessons.com/tutorials/bolshie-dannye-i-analitika/professiia-biznes-analitik/v-model-3 [in Ukrainian].
9. Ofitsiinyi sait Svitovoho banku [Official site of the World Bank]. worldbank.org. Retrieved from: https://www.worldbank.org/uk/country/ukraine [in English].
10. Kharchova bezpeka pochynaietsia z nasinnia [Food security starts with seeds]. vnis.com.ua. Retrieved from: http://vnis.com.ua/useful-information/publications/Kharchova-bezpeka-pochina%C3 %AAt%27sya-z-nas%C3%ADnnya! [in Ukrainian].
11. Finansova zvitnist Yaltushkivskoi doslidno-selektsiinoi stantsii Instytutu bioenerhetychnykh kultur i tsukrovykh buriakiv Natsionalnoi akademii ahrarnykh nauk Ukrainy [Financial statements of Yaltushkivka research and selection station of the Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beets of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine]. bio.gov.ua. Retrieved from: https://bio.gov.ua/sites/default/ files/finzvitnist/f1._balans_112.pdf [in Ukrainian].
12. Derzhavnyi reiestr sortiv roslyn, prydatnykh dlia poshyrennia v Ukraini na 2021 rik [State Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Distribution in Ukraine for 2021]. agro.me.gov.ua. Retrieved from: https://agro.me.gov.ua/storage/app/uploads/public/608/12f/4b5/60812f4b591ea587635116.pdf [in Ukrainian].
13. Kononiuk, N.O. (2020). Udoskonalennia elementiv tekhnolohii vyroshchuvannia tsukrovykh buriakiv yak syrovyny dlia vyrobnytstva biopalyva v umovakh Lisostepu Ukrainy [Improving the elements of technology for growing sugar beets as raw materials for biofuel production in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine]. Doctor’s thesis. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
14. Stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku haluzi nasinnytstva v Ukraini, dumka eksperta [Status and prospects of development of the seed industry in Ukraine, expert opinion]. infoindustria.com.ua. Retrieved from: https://infoindustria.com.ua/stan-ta-perspektivi-rozvitku-galuzi-nasinnitstva-v-ukrayini-dumka-eksperta [in Ukrainian].
15. Nasinnytstvo v ekonomitsi Ukrainy [Seed production in the economy of Ukraine]. chamber.ua. Retrieved from: https://chamber.ua/ua/news/amerikanska-torgovelna-palata-v-ukraini-prezentuvala-publikacziyu-nasinnicztvo-v-ekonomiczi-ukraini [in Ukrainian].
16. Efektyvnist nasinnytstva u konteksti rozvytku natsionalnoi ekonomiky — pytannia stratehichne Nasinnytstvo v ekonomitsi Ukrainy [Seed efficiency in the context of national economic development is a strategic issue]. chamber.ua. Retrieved from: http://www.naas.gov.ua/newsall/newsnaan/5771 [in Ukrainian].
About journal
051 Economics
071 Accounting and taxation
072 Finance, banking and insurance
073 Management
075 Marketing
076 Business, trade and exchange activities
241 Hotel, restaurant and catering
281 Public administration
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The editorial board of the journal is guided by the principles of scientific, objectivity, professionalism, informational support of the most significant innovative researches, observance of standards of publishing ethics.
The purpose of the journal "Economics, finances, management: Topical issues of science and practical activity» is the coverage of leading scientific ideas in the economic, financial and management activities of the sectors of the national economy and the involvement of representatives of the domestic and foreign scientific professional community.
Objectives of the journal:
- publication of research findings on innovation in the economy, financial and management spheres, innovation of production processes;
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