
Issue №: 9 (49)
The magazine deals with the problems of the agricultural sector of the economy in the context of integration and processes of globalization. Attention is paid to the issues of development of digital economy, rural territories, technologies of enterprise management and organization of accounting, problems of legal support of economic processes, market tendencies of development of various branches of economy. Particular attention is paid to green tourism as a promising segment of the national economy.
НAVINSKA Elena – Candidate of Law Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Law,
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (21000, Vinnitsa, 8/25 Svobody Boulevard, e-mail:
The land legislation of Ukraine is in a state of active reformation, which is being carried out in order to bring Ukraine's legal framework in line with international standards and to implement successful legislative initiatives. An important aspect of the formation of the updated legislative framework in the agricultural sector is the legal regulation of the conclusion of the lease of the land unit. This issue has been investigated by a large number of legal scholars and, having analyzed the work in this field and the existing legal framework, it would be appropriate to dwell on the main points of the topic. Thus, in accordance with regulations, land is a part of the earth's surface with established boundaries, a certain location, with rights defined in relation to it. Scientists have supplemented this definition: land is not just part of the earth's surface with a specific location and boundaries; An obligatory feature of a land plot is its belonging to a certain subject on certain rights.
Investigating the issues of legal personality, the Law of Ukraine "On the procedure for allocation in kind (on the ground) of land plots to owners of land shares (shares)" defines all categories of persons entitled to land share (share), and also specifies the legal documents, the main of which is a Certificate of ownership of land share "share". Based on this document, a citizen has the right to apply to the relevant village (city), city council for the purpose of allocation of land share in kind. The process of allocating the unit in kind is specified in detail in the above-mentioned legal act.
An important legal aspect of this topic is the peculiarities of the contractual relationship between the farmer and the individual who holds the share certificate. According to the current legislation, a lease of land (share) is signed between the above mentioned persons, the typical form of which was approved by the Order of the State Committee for Land Resources of January 17, 2000. In this regard, the views of legal practitioners are divided: some believe that the standard form should include detailed provisions and features of the lease, others argue that a significant detail of the provisions of the standard form of the contract will limit the relationship between the tenant and the owner of the unit. The author shares the view of the latter.
All the terms of the lease of the land share are divided into essential or basic and additional. All conditions are specified in the Law of Ukraine "On Land Lease". The list of essential provisions under the latest version of the law has been narrowed. So, to date, the basic terms of a lease of a land share are: the object of the lease, the term of the contract and the rent.
In addition to the above, the author emphasizes that the standard form of the lease of land share (share) specifies a certain number of conditions that must be taken into account when concluding a lease: the validity of the lease of the share in case of transfer of the plot to another owner and the procedure for re-contracting after allotment of land to the owners of the land (shares) in kind (on the ground.
Another legal aspect of concluding a lease of land (share) is the process of registration of contracts, which is carried out free of charge by the executive committee of the village, settlement, city council at the location of the land share (share). For registration of the land share (share) agreement, the landlord submits in person or by post to the respective local authority a certificate of the right to land share (share) and the lease agreement in 2 copies. Within two days the executive committee of the village, settlement, city council checks the submitted documents, registers or prepares a reasoned conclusion on refusal of registration. The decision on refusal of registration can be appealed in court.
Within this topic, it would be advisable to point out this year's innovations, in particular regarding the publication of consolidated information on the conducted regulatory monetary valuation of land, as well as the amounts and dates of setting local taxes and fees (including land tax) on the SFSU website no later than July 15 this year.
An important aspect of this topic is the corresponding changes made by the Law of Ukraine dated 10.07.2018 No. 2498-VIII “On Amendments to Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning the Issue of Collective Ownership of Land, Improvement of the Rules of Land Use in the Lots of Agricultural Land, Prevention of Raiding and stimulation of irrigation in Ukraine ", which came into force on 01.01.2019. In particular, this act establishes the process of allocating the share in kind in accordance with the technical documentation of land management, defines the concept of "not claimed land share (share)" and establishes a term for registration of ownership of the share: therefore, if before 01. 01. 2025 The owner of the unclaimed land share (share) or his heir has not issued the ownership right to the land plot, he is considered to have refused to receive the land plot.
Thus, recent legislative initiatives are intended to simplify the procedure for concluding a land lease (share) agreement and prepare the ground for more significant changes in the land legislation of Ukraine.
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About journal
051 Economics
071 Accounting and taxation
072 Finance, banking and insurance
073 Management
075 Marketing
076 Business, trade and exchange activities
241 Hotel, restaurant and catering
281 Public administration
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