Issue №: 9 (49)
The magazine deals with the problems of the agricultural sector of the economy in the context of integration and processes of globalization. Attention is paid to the issues of development of digital economy, rural territories, technologies of enterprise management and organization of accounting, problems of legal support of economic processes, market tendencies of development of various branches of economy. Particular attention is paid to green tourism as a promising segment of the national economy.
LUTSIAK Viyalii Vasylovitch – Dr. (economics), PhD (candidate, technics), As. Prof., Head of
department of marketing and agrarian business. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (21021, Vinnitsia,
Keletska st., 94, 69, LutsiakVV@gmail.com).
MAZUR Kateryna Vasylivna – PhD (candidate, economics), As. Prof., Head of The Department
of Agrarian Management, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (21008, Vinnitsia, Pirohova st., 3,
MOSTENSKA Tetiana Gennadiyivna – PhD (candidate, economics), As. Prof of Agrarian
Management Department, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (21008, Vinnitsia, Pirohova st., 3,
Universities and research institutions are large and complex organizations that need to be flexible and adaptable in line with ongoing changes. Universities must now meet the needs of different actors in providing academic services related to education formation. Marketing and market outcomes always take place alongside academic activities, are prerequisites for financial support and are considered as an integral part of the management of the institution of higher education by the funding body.
Marketing is the key function of management that top managers of higher education institutions must not ignore in order to survive in a competitive environment today. However, the domestic literature does not pay enough attention to the market or marketing in the context of studying their impact on the institution of higher education, especially in Ukraine. Instead, there is considerable interest in marketing in higher education in foreign scientific works.
The purpose of the article is to formulate an approach to promote the development of strategic academic initiatives in institutions of higher education through the use of structured marketing planning methodology.
In this paper, by means of a questionnaire, the main problem areas in the implementation of strategically important tasks in higher education institutions of Ukraine are identified. The desk research and content analysis of scientific papers devoted to the marketing activities of foreign universities was conducted.
The results of the research showed that they have certain problems, especially for strategic academic plans. A promising way to overcome problems and create new opportunities is to use the marketing methodology to support new specialties, departments and institutions of higher education in Ukraine.
The paper identifies the goals of the university's marketing strategy, examines the most effective marketing tools and complements the marketing tools that can be used to provide synergy. It is determined that in further research it is necessary to analyze the level of integration of related marketing tools taking into account the features of the institution of higher education and establish effective for the environment of the funnel in order to obtain the effect of synergy.
The role of marketing in universities and their understanding by representatives of universities is researched. On the basis of conducted research the conceptual understanding of marketing at the university is formulated. Formulated a number of principles for ensuring the quality of marketing activities of the University.
The researches allowed to establish that the key aspects of the marketing strategy of the university depend on its age. Old universities are trying to optimize the learning process from the moment students enter the audience. Newly established universities are focusing their efforts on the perception of future university students. Marketing task for the newly created department in the old university - a combination of both approaches. This can be quite complicated organizational work, however, in today's institutional setting and in a context of increased competition - this is the only way that can lead to success.
The plan of marketing measures for the development of new specialties of the departments of institutions of higher education of Ukraine is proposed.
1. Formation of the marketing committee. The main task of the committee is to increase the visibility of the department and create interest and interest among entrants in the proposed specialties. Equally important task is to ensure a permanent campaign to promote a new specialty in secondary education and vocational education.
2. Development of a marketing plan for promotion of a new specialty: preparation and demonstration of presentations by two units during the first-second quarter of studies and third-fourth quarter of graduates training in schools; conducting surveys before the presentation and after the presentation; organization of meetings with consultants; video adaptation of presentations for their re-use by consultants; development of materials in accordance with the results of surveys for their use during university events (open door days, university day, etc.); holding a consultant's day in schools; exhibition weeks.
In this paper, we identified the main goals of the marketing strategy of universities; established a list of relevant marketing tools; formulated an essential characteristic of marketing at universities, which should be supported by adherence to the principles of quality assurance of marketing activities; the plan of marketing measures for the development of new specialties of the departments of institutions of higher education of Ukraine was proposed.
The complexity of the marketing strategy of institutions of higher education and their departments determines the necessity of having a number of important competencies in the marketing committee's specialists. Such a set of competences should be thoroughly studied and shaped in accordance with the environment and features of the proposed entrants of specialties. In our further research, we plan to highlight our own results in shaping the set of necessary competencies when planning a marketing strategy for new university specializations.
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About journal
051 Economics
071 Accounting and taxation
072 Finance, banking and insurance
073 Management
075 Marketing
076 Business, trade and exchange activities
241 Hotel, restaurant and catering
281 Public administration
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