
Economy, finances, management: Topical issues of science and practical activity


Issue №: 10 (50)

Published: 2019.10.03
DOI: 10.37128/2411-4413-2019-10

The magazine deals with the problems of the agricultural sector of the economy in the context of integration and processes of globalization. Attention is paid to the issues of development of digital economy, rural territories, technologies of enterprise management and organization of accounting, problems of legal support of economic processes, market tendencies of development of various branches of economy. Particular attention is paid to green tourism as a promising segment of the national economy.

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DOI: 10.37128/2411-4413-2019-10-12
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MANZHOS  Elvira  –  Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,  Senior Lecturer of the Ukrainian and 

Foreign Languages Department, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University. E-mail: pv.vnau@ua.fm

HOROBETS  Alla  –  Assistant of the Ukrainian and Foreign Languages  Department, Vinnytsia 

National Agrarian University. E-mail: allagor1992@gmail.com


The article analyzes the formation of the professional communicative competence of future economic specialists in the process of study of foreign languages, it defines the structure of communicative competence and for realization of scientific researches in the process of educational activity, a set of exercises and tasks is determined. A number of problems regarding to the definition of hidden elements of communicative competence and the ways of their solution are outlined A comparative analysis of the interpretation of the general scientific term "competence" is made and a new interpretation in accordance with the economic field of society has been introduced. According to the definition of the European Commission, competence is a dynamic combination of knowledge, understanding, skills, values, personal qualities that describe the learning outcomes of the curriculum. Competence - the basic quality of a person, having a causal relation to the best on the basis of performance criteria in work or other situations. Basic quality means that competence is a deeply immersed and stable personality part, it can predict human behavior in many situations and work tasks. Professional competence - the ability to use knowledge, skills, experience in concrete conditions of the given, at the same time achieving the maximum positive result.

 We have proved that competence is informational awareness in issues that a person has a good command of with some knowledge and experience. Professional competence is determined by the circle of specific questions of any organization, institutions in which a person has certain power and where this person can apply his/her knowledge and experience. In our opinion, the competence of an economist lies in the level of qualification, which allows to successfully solve the goals and objectives that are set before a specialist, the effectiveness and effectiveness of which are carried out in accordance with the goals and strategies of the firm.

Consequently, competence is a complex combination of knowledge, skills and practical skills, ways of thinking, professional, ideological and civic qualities, moral and ethical values, which determines the ability of a person to successfully carry out professional and further educational activities. It is the result of studying at a certain level of higher education.

The essence of competence is revealed in two ways: through appropriate competencies, the structure and content of which are defined as a set of skills and experience of the acquired knowledge; by means of a description of the set of interrelated personality traits (knowledge, skills, methods of action) necessary for the implementation of certain situations and processes necessary for the productive activities.

It is determined in the article that special attention is paid to such educational technology as problem-based learning. This method involves activating the creative and search potential of students, facilitates the development of skills for making their own right decisions, gives an opportunity to choose options and actions and, ultimately, independently master the foundations of the communicative competence of an economist.

In the process of teaching humanitarian disciplines one of the educational technologies for the formation of communicative competence is the use of problem-based learning. The problem-based learning  in a high school is an educational and cognitive activity of development and acquisition of knowledge and ways of activity within the context of a problematic nature, self-analysis of situations, solving the formulated problems by hypotheses, suggestions, discussions, proving and verifying the correctness of these hypotheses.

The article deals with the method of problem-based learning. The method of problem-based learning is the search activity, with the help of which the student has to activate the previously learned material. The aim of it is the developing skills and abilities of future professionals and the formation of professional-oriented thinking. At the heart of this method is the communicative approach (communicative situations of problem communication, role playing situations, discussion of problems, etc.).

Particular attention is paid to practical classes as a form of educational process, the activation of which is achieved through updating, for example, role-playing situations that are close to the professional and which are used for the purpose of free communication in a situation that may arise in real conditions of professional activity, take the right position, adapt in their role, to test their professional competence.

It is also identified in the article that an important place in the development of communicative skills belongs to the didactic communicative games, allow to assume certain social roles according to the chosen specialty, which significantly improves the understanding of the specifics of future professional activities. The problems of the translation of professional vocabulary and foreign language slengisms, which are constantly changing and have no counterparts in our language, are also identified. The assertion that the communicative-competence approach as the main one in a foreign language study of students-economists is presented and substantiated.

The game is an active method of simulation training. It stimulates all students in the group to communicate, to the normative reproduction of communicative material. Creating a game adds a reflexive, and, consequently, more productive character to communicative learning. In a game as reflexive activity the student performs simultaneously two functions: managing and executive.

 During these games student must be able to imagine (to put yourself in) a situation that can occur in real life; adapt to its role in the proposed situation (in one case, it can play itself, in the other - to take on an imaginary role); participants in role-playing games must behave as if all this happens in real life, their behavior should be in line with their role.

The method of communicative situation is characterized by an active interaction between students to develop a well-founded solution and achieve the goal; activating students' thinking during the whole lesson; personal responsibility of each participant in a situational game; approaching the learning process to real conditions

An important place among the forms of organization of educational activities of students is given to debatable topical methods that can be fully implemented in order to develop the communicative potential of a future specialist. For example, a seminar-discussion can be organized as a process of dialogue communication between students and teachers, students and students invited to the discussion.

An important place in the development of communicative skills belongs to the didactic communicative games, allow to assume certain social roles according to the chosen specialty, which significantly improves the understanding of the specifics of future professional activities. The problems of the translation of professional vocabulary and foreign language slengisms, which are constantly changing and have no counterparts in our language, are also identified. The assertion that the communicative-competence approach as the main one in a foreign language study of students-economists is presented and substantiated.

Keywords: communicative competence, problem method, professional activity, didactic communicative game, communicative situation, foreign language vocabulary.

List of references

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All journal issues

About journal

Topics of the journal:

051 Economics

071 Accounting and taxation

072 Finance, banking and insurance

073 Management

075 Marketing

076 Business, trade and exchange activities

241 Hotel, restaurant and catering 

281 Public administration


Key information:
ISSN (print): 2411-4413
DOI: 10.37128

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The purpose of the journal "Economics, finances, management: Topical issues of science and practical activity» is the coverage of leading scientific ideas in the economic, financial and management activities of the sectors of the national economy and the involvement of representatives of the domestic and foreign scientific professional community.


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