Issue №: 4 (54)
The journal deals with the issues of efficiency of functioning of the national economics and organizational forms of management of the national economy. Attention is paid to the problems of marketing, management and efficiency of production and economic activity of agrarian enterprises. The issues of public administration and administration, accounting and taxation, banking and insurance, forecasting and modeling of economic processes, foreign economic activity, commodity flows of economic entities and their infrastructure support.
BABYNA Olha – PhD in Economics, аssistant of the Department of Agrarian management and marketing, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (21008, 3 Sonyachna str, Vinnytsia, e-mail: oliababyna@gmail.com)
The article presents a developed mechanism for the development of alternative energy sources in Ukraine, which will, using effective existing, as well as new, differentiated by resource and species characteristics and levers, significantly increase investment resources for the development of innovative technologies for alternative energy sources. Along with the existing capacities, new platforms for innovation and investment activities in the development of alternative energy sources for the national economy - industrial parks - are proposed. It is determined that the benefits for participants of industrial parks - minimization of material, financial, labor and time resources required to start a business, the ability to obtain services related to the provision of economic activities from the management company; for the state and local communities - job creation, intensification of economic activity and ensuring the socio-economic development of the respective territories. It is substantiated that the implementation of projects for the development of alternative energy sources in industrial parks, as evidenced by the existing domestic and especially foreign experience, has a number of advantages, including long-term investment. At the same time, the implementation of these projects requires the involvement of significant investment resources at the stage of design, creation and implementation. It is determined that in this context it is appropriate to attract powerful innovation and investment corporations operating in the global market of alternative energy, and thus ensure a favorable investment climate in the areas of parks and favorable conditions for doing business.
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4. Honcharuk I.V., Babyna O.M. (2020). Kontseptualʹni zasady udoskonalennya innovatsiyno-investytsiynoyi diyalʹnosti dlya rozvytku vyrobnytstva enerhiyi z alʹternatyvnykh dzherel. [Conceptual principles of improving innovation and investment activities for the development of energy production from alternative sources]. Сolloquium-journal, 17 (69), 47–56 [in Ukrainian].
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About journal
051 Economics
071 Accounting and taxation
072 Finance, banking and insurance
073 Management
075 Marketing
076 Business, trade and exchange activities
241 Hotel, restaurant and catering
281 Public administration
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The purpose of the journal "Economics, finances, management: Topical issues of science and practical activity» is the coverage of leading scientific ideas in the economic, financial and management activities of the sectors of the national economy and the involvement of representatives of the domestic and foreign scientific professional community.
Objectives of the journal:
- publication of research findings on innovation in the economy, financial and management spheres, innovation of production processes;
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