Issue №: 8 (48)
The magazine deals with the problems of the agricultural sector of the economy in the context of integration and processes of globalization. Attention is paid to the issues of development of digital economy, rural territories, technologies of enterprise management and organization of accounting, problems of legal support of economic processes, market tendencies of development of various branches of economy. Particular attention is paid to green tourism as a promising segment of the national economy.
TOMASHUK Inna – Lecturer of the Department of Analysis and Statistics, Vinnytsia National
Agrarian University (21008, Vinnytsia, 3, Soniachna Str., e-mail: tomashuk.inna@ukr.net).
One of the indicators that reflects the stable economic development of certain sectors of the economy, as well as the country's economy, is the investment attractiveness of the regions as a whole. In this content, the key task of the current government is the development of Vinnytsia regions and strengthening its economic potential. An important factor in economic growth is investment. For Ukraine in general and the Vinnytsia region, the issue of attracting foreign investments is particularly important and relevant, as they have a significant impact on the economic development of the country as a whole and directly in the Vinnytsia region. Unfortunately, the largest degradation in Ukraine is currently undergoing investment activity. The deterioration of the investment climate, the possibilities of budgets of all levels, and the reduction of business activity of business entities have led to the difficult situation of the investment sector. In the context of globalization, Vinnytsia's economic development is closely linked to an increase in its investment attractiveness, especially for foreign investors. Investment attractiveness is a qualitative and quantitative description of the internal and external environment of the facility of possible investment. The main essence of investment attractiveness is the implementation of the strategy of maximizing returns on capital invested. Therefore, for today, when developing and adopting investment decisions, a foreign investor relies on research on the competitiveness of a regional economy, and specifically focuses on regions that are more attractive. It is determined that the investment attractiveness of Vinnytsya Region is the region's compliance with the main objectives of investors, consisting of the profitability, risk-free and liquidity of investments and the level of satisfaction of financial, industrial, organizational and other requirements or interests of the investor in a particular region. It is stressed that the high investment attractiveness of the region allows attracting large investments for its development and guarantees a profit for investors. It was investigated that there are objective and subjective reasons of low investment attractiveness of Ukrainian regions. It is stated that the main problems of the development of the Vinnytsia region that impede the harmonious development of the region are the limited investment resources of enterprises for modernization of production, high proportion of employed in the informal sector of the economy, insufficient supply of jobs in rural areas, inappropriate use of land resources, low level of professionalism representatives of civil society institutions.Investment attractiveness is the main condition for the investment climate of the Vinnytsia region, as it is the level of satisfaction of financial, industrial, organizational and other requirements or interests of the investor with respect to a specific object, which can be determined or evaluated by the values of the relevant indicators, including the integral assessment. Vinnitsa region is an investment attractive region, because it has a strong industrial and scientific potential, developed transport infrastructure, favorable geographical location in relation to the markets of Ukraine and CIS countries, the EU. Vinnytsia region may potentially be one of the leading regions in attracting foreign investment. This is facilitated by its huge domestic market, relatively skilled and at the same time cheap labor, significant scientific and technical potential, large natural resources and the availability of infrastructure, although not too developed. An analysis of the results suggests an improvement of the investment climate in the region for foreign investors. But there is a need to increase the investment attractiveness of Vinnytsia through the implementation of state policy in the field of regulation of investment activity.
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About journal
051 Economics
071 Accounting and taxation
072 Finance, banking and insurance
073 Management
075 Marketing
076 Business, trade and exchange activities
241 Hotel, restaurant and catering
281 Public administration
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The purpose of the journal "Economics, finances, management: Topical issues of science and practical activity» is the coverage of leading scientific ideas in the economic, financial and management activities of the sectors of the national economy and the involvement of representatives of the domestic and foreign scientific professional community.
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It was founded in 1997 under the name "Bulletin of the Vinnytsia State Agricultural Institute". In 2010-2014 he was published under the title “Collection of scientific works of Vinnitsa National Agrarian University”.
From 2015 ”Economy, finances, management: Topical issues of science and practical activity” (Certificate of State Registration of Mass Media No. 21154-10954 of PR as of December 31, 2014)
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