Issue №: 2 (68)
The journal deals with the issues of efficiency of functioning of the national economics and organizational forms of management of the national economy. Attention is paid to the problems of marketing, management and efficiency of production and economic activity of agrarian enterprises. The issues of public administration and administration, accounting and taxation, banking and insurance, forecasting and modeling of economic processes, foreign economic activity, commodity flows of economic entities and their infrastructure support.
STAVSKA Uliya – Candidate of Economical Science, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Business and Service Areas, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (21008, Vinnytsia, 3, Soniachna Str., e-mail: usv.urf@ukr.net).
YAROSHYNSKYI Roman – Master of Educational, Pedagogical Sciences, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University (24027, Vinnytsia region, Mohyliv-Podilskyi district, 5, Naberezhna Str., е-mail: romaa3032@gmail.com).
The article examines the tourist potential of the Vinnytsia region and determines that the region has significant natural and recreational potential for the development of ecological and rural tourism. It has been established that the development of these types of tourism is due to the increase in demand for domestic tourism as a result of the war in Ukraine. Therefore, the main consumers of eco- and rural tourism services in Vinnytsia region are internally displaced persons, as well as connoisseurs of Ukrainian folk traditions due to the attractiveness of the nature, its environmental friendliness and rural lifestyle.
Regulatory and legal documents regulating rural tourism, namely the Regional Development Strategy of the Vinnytsia Region until 2027, as well as the main directions of activity of the public organization «Vinnytsia Regional Branch of the Association for the Promotion of the Development of Rural Green Tourism in Ukraine» were studied. The tourist route Camino Podoliсo or St. Jacob’s Way, which covers two regions of Khmelnytskyi and Vinnytsia, was studied. It was found that this project is a unique opportunity to gain impressions from getting to know the unique sights, customs and traditions and natural features of Podillia.
The significant areas of Vinnytsia region, the village of Busha of the Yampil district, on the territory of which there are outstanding monuments of the archaeology and architecture of the famous Bushan relief (carved out of stone in the Rock Temple by the hands of our glorious ancestors) and the remains of the Bushan fortress – a stone tower, the Haydamatskyi ravine, the remains of multi-layered settlements of Trypillia, Chernyakhiv, Penkiv and Scythian cultures, a medieval cemetery. The possibilities of Mogilev-Podilskyi, Barskyi and Vinnytsia districts regarding the development and intersection of eco- and rural tourism in wartime are also described.
In the article, with the help of a SWOT analysis, the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the development of eco- and rural tourism in Vinnytsia are given. It was found that the combination of eco- and rural tourism is a necessary condition for the economic development of rural areas, and rural recreation should strengthen the ecological awareness of tourists in order to preserve the environment.
1. Camino Podoliso: yak uprovadyty yevropeiski praktyky turyzmu v hlybyntsi pid chas viiny [The Camino Podoliсo: how to implement European practices of tourism in the hinterland during the war]. ukrinform.ua. Retrieved from: https://www.ukrinform.ua/rubric-regions/3777443-camino-podoliso-ak-uprovaditi-evropejski-praktiki-turizmu-v-glibinci-pid-cas-vijni.html [in Ukrainian].
2. Derzhavnyi istoryko-kulturnyi zapovidnyk «Busha» (s. Busha, Vinnytska obl.): karta, opys [The state historical and cultural reserve «Busha» (Busha village, Vinnytsia region): map, description]. drymba.com. Retrieved from: https://drymba.com/uk/1037057-derzhavnyy-istoryko-kulturnyy-zapovidnyk-busha [in Ukrainian].
3. Dydiv, I. (2022). Dynamika rozvytku silskoho turyzmu ta ahroturyzmu na rynku turystychnykh posluh [The Dynamics of the Development of Rural Tourism and Agrotourism in the Market of Tourist Services]. Visnyk Lvivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu pryrodokorystuvannia «Ekonomika APK» – Bulletin of the Lviv National University of Nature Management «Economy of agro-industrial complex», 29, 110-115. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31734/economics2022.29.110 [in Ukrainian].
4. Istorychna spadshchyna na smak: vinnychanka Oksana Bas stvoriuie unikalnyi turystychnyi biznes [The historical heritage to taste: Oksana Bas from Vinnytsia creates a unique tourism business]. eu4business.org.ua. Retrieved from: https://eu4business.org.ua/success-stories/the-taste-of-historical-heritage-how-oksana-bas-from-ukraine-set-up-a-unique-tourism-business/ [in Ukrainian].
5. Zelenyi turyzm [The green tourism]. green.vsitury.com.ua. Retrieved from: http://green.vsitury.com.ua/sf/category:30/type_gilles:/events_type:/search_query:/news_sort_by:dateDesc/page:2/ [in Ukrainian].
6. Kalko, A.D., Kushnir, N.B., & Korotun, S.I. (2022). Ekonomiko-ekolohichni aspekty rozvytku silskoho turyzmu v suchasnykh umovakh. [Economic and Ecological Aspects of the Development of Rural Tourism in Modern Conditions]. Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu vodnoho hospodarstva ta pryrodokorystuvannia (seriia «Ekonomichni nauky») – Bulletin of the National University of Water Management and Nature Management (series «Economic Sciences»), 3, 38-45. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31713/ve320224 [in Ukrainian].
7. Korzh, N.V., & Onyshchuk, N.V. (2020). Rozvytok silskoho zelenoho turyzmu u Vinnytskii oblasti [The development of rural green tourism in Vinnytsia region]. Infrastruktura rynku – Market infrastructure, 45, 193-197. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32843/infrastruct45-31 [in Ukrainian].
8. Prohrama rozvytku turyzmu u Vinnytskii oblasti na 2021-2027roky [The tourism development program in the Vinnytsia region for 2021-2027]. vin.gov.ua. Retrieved from: https://www.vin.gov.ua/images/doc/vin/ODA/ogoloshenia/programa-turizm2020.pdf [in Ukrainian].
9. Tabenska, O.I. (2021). Osoblyvosti rozvytku silskoho zelenoho turyzmu na Vinnychchyni [The features of the Development of Rural Green Tourism in Vinnytsia Region]. Ekonomika ta suspilstvo – Economy and society, 23. Retrieved from: https://economyandsociety.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/139/134 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-23-2 [in Ukrainian].
10. Tserklevych, V.S., & Stavska, Yu.V. (2024). Mozhlyvosti intehratsii restoraniv «local food» v prohramy rehionalnykh hastroturiv: keis Vinnytskoi ta Khmelnytskoi oblastei [The possibilities of integrating «local food» restaurants into programs of regional gastro tours: the case of Vinnytsia and Khmelnytskyi regions]. Transformatsiina ekonomika – Transformational economy, 1 (06), 68-75. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-8141/2024-6-13 [in Ukrainian].
11. Tserklevych, V.S., Dil, A.V., & Motsna, Yu.Yu. (2023). Potentsial sezonnykh strav v stratenichnomu upravlinni zakladom restorannoho hospodarstva «Local food» [The potential of seasonal dishes in the strategic management of the restaurant establishment «Local food»]. Industriia turyzmu i hostynnosti v Tsentralnii ta Skhidnii Yevropi – Tourism and hospitality industry in Central and Eastern Europe, 9, 71-79. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/tourismhospcee-9-9 [in Ukrainian].
About journal
051 Economics
071 Accounting and taxation
072 Finance, banking and insurance
073 Management
075 Marketing
076 Business, trade and exchange activities
241 Hotel, restaurant and catering
281 Public administration
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The editorial board of the journal is guided by the principles of scientific, objectivity, professionalism, informational support of the most significant innovative researches, observance of standards of publishing ethics.
The purpose of the journal "Economics, finances, management: Topical issues of science and practical activity» is the coverage of leading scientific ideas in the economic, financial and management activities of the sectors of the national economy and the involvement of representatives of the domestic and foreign scientific professional community.
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