Issue №: 4 (58)
The journal deals with the issues of efficiency of functioning of the national economics and organizational forms of management of the national economy. Attention is paid to the problems of marketing, management and efficiency of production and economic activity of agrarian enterprises. The issues of public administration and administration, accounting and taxation, banking and insurance, forecasting and modeling of economic processes, foreign economic activity, commodity flows of economic entities and their infrastructure support.
DYAKONOVA Andzhela – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business, Odessa National Technological University (65039, Odessa, 112, Kanatna Str., е-mail: angela1943@ukr.net).
TITOMYR Liudmyla – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business, Odessa National Technological University (65039, Odessa, 112, Kanatna Str., е-mail: mila_titomir@ukr.net).
KHALILOVA-CHUVAIEVA Yuliia – Candidate of Politology, Associate Professor of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business, Odessa National Technological University (65039, Odessa, 112, Kanatna Str.,
е-mail: julik6446@gmail.com).
KOROTYCH Olena – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business, Odessa National Technological University (65039, Odessa,
112, Kanatna Str., е-mail: kelena1811@gmail.com).
The hospitality industry is a fast-growing sector of the economy, which contributes to the development of other sectors of the country’s economy. Cultural and business relations of Ukraine with other countries are expanding, the number of tourists requiring accommodation and service facilities meeting international standards is growing. Therefore, attention to the quality, safety, competitiveness and standardisation of hotel services has recently increased. The main task of hospitality industry enterprises is to serve guests of our country providing them with accommodation, arranging business meetings, satisfying their demand for high-quality recreation and entertainment.
To study the quality of provided services expert methods based on a quality scoring scale are widely used in the field of hospitality. Unified legislative requirements, standards, quality analysis and verification of products and services provided by hospitality establishments is necessary to ensure the quality of services that meet the world standard requirements. Qualimetric assessment methods allow to convert qualitative indicators into quantitative ones, which simplifies the research process. To assess the quality of products and services a comprehensive method has been applied, which lies in the quality level assessment with a single number obtained by combining the used single qualitative indexes into one complex index.
The research is about the services quality of the four-star Gagarinn Hotel in the city of Odesa. The survey has revealed that the quality service criterion is well-organized booking, reception and accommodation of the hotel. It has been found that the guests accommodated by group characteristics value professionalism and service culture the most, followed by convenience of payment and service standard. The composite assessment of the guest service quality in the accommodation establishment is 0.65. The results show that the quality of services provided at the stage of booking, reception and accommodation of guests in the studied hotel is at a sufficiently high level.
1. Podlepina, P.O. (2013). Konkurentospromozhnistj jak chynnyk pidvyshhennja efektyvnosti funkcionuvannja ghoteljnykh pidpryjemstv [Competitiveness as a Factor for Increasing the Efficiency of Hotel Enterprises Operation]. Visnyk Kharkivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu im. V.N. Karazina. Seriia «Mizhnarodni vidnosyny. Ekonomika. Krainoznavstvo. Turyzm» –
Bulletin of Kharkiv National University. V.N. Karazina. Series
«International Relations. Economy. Local lore. Tourism», 1042, 128-131 [in Ukrainian].
2. Okhota, V.I. (2017). Shlyahi pidvischennya konkurentospromozhnosti pidpriemstv gotelnoyi industriyi [Ways to increase competitiveness of hotel industry enterprises]. Investytsiyi: praktyka ta dosvid – Investments: practice and experience, 5, 46-49 [in Ukrainian].
3. Ivchenko, L.A., & Redko, V.Ye. (2013). Kvalimetricheskiye metody otsenky privlekatelnosti gostinichnykh uslug [Qualitative methods of assessing the attractiveness of hotel services]. Visnyk DITB. Seriia: Ekonomika, orhanizatsiia ta upravlinnia pidpryiemstvamy turystychnoi industrii ta turystychnoi haluzi v tsilomu – Bulletin of the DITB. Series: Economics, organization and management of enterprises in the tourism industry and the tourism industry in general, 17, 275-286 [in Russian].
4. Sivolap L.A. (2017). Konkurentospromozhnostі pіdpriєmstva v suchasnih umovah gospodaryuvannya [Competitiveness of the Enterprise in Modern Conditions of Business]. Skhidna Yevropa: ekonomika, biznes ta upravlinnia – Eastern Europe: Economy, Business and Management, 6 (11), 395-397 [in Ukrainian].
5. Batchenko, L.V., & Starychenko, T.V. (2018). Kontseptualniy pidkhid do konkurentospromozhnosti hotelnikh pidpriyemstv Ukrayini [Conceptual approach of competitiveness of hotel business in Ukraine]. Efektyvna ekonomika – Efficient economy, 9. Retrieved from: http://www.economy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=6721 [in Ukrainian].
6. Ye, F., Xia, Q., Zhang, M., Zhan, Y., & Li, Y. (2020). Harvesting Online Reviews to Identify the Competitor Set in a Service Business: Evidence from the Hotel Industry. Journal of Service Research. Retrieved from: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1094670520975143. DOI: https://doi. org/10.1177/1094670520975143 [in English].
7. Zelga, K. (2017). The importance of competition and enterprise competitiveness. World Scientific News, 72, 301-306 [in English].
8. Systema upravlinnia yakistiu. Osnovni polozhennia ta slovnyk terminiv [Quality management systems. Fundamentals and vocabulary]. (2015).
DSTU ISO 9000:2015 from 1st July, 2016. Kyiv: Derzhstandart Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
9. Sistemi upravlinnya yakistyu. Vimogi [Quality management systems. Requirements]. (2009). DSTU ISO 9001:2015 from 1st July, 2016. Kyiv: Derzhstandart Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
10. Systema sertyfikatsii UkrSEPRO. Osnovni polozhennia [UkrSEPRO certification system. Substantive provisions]. (1997). DSTU 9001:2015 from
1st April 1997. Kyiv: Derzhstandart Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
11. Posluhy turystychni. Zasoby rozmishchuvannia. Zahalni vymohy [Tourist services. Accommodation facilities. general requirements]. (2003). DSTU 4268:2003 from 1st July 2004. Kyiv: Derzhstandart Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
12. Topolnik, V.G., & Ratushnyiy, A.S. (2008). Kvalimetriya v restorannom hozyaystve [Qualimetry in the restaurant industry]. Donetsk: DonNUET [in Russian].
13. Topolnik, V.G. (2015). K voprosu metodiki kolichestvennoy otsenki kachestva SPiR gostinichnogo kompleksa [On the question of the methodology for quantitative assessment of the quality of the Reception and Accommodation Service of the hotel complex]. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya internet-konferentsiya prepodavateley i molodyih uchenyih – International scientific and practical Internet conference for teachers and young scientists. (рр. 108-110). Donetsk: DonNUET [in Russian].
About journal
051 Economics
071 Accounting and taxation
072 Finance, banking and insurance
073 Management
075 Marketing
076 Business, trade and exchange activities
241 Hotel, restaurant and catering
281 Public administration
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The purpose of the journal "Economics, finances, management: Topical issues of science and practical activity» is the coverage of leading scientific ideas in the economic, financial and management activities of the sectors of the national economy and the involvement of representatives of the domestic and foreign scientific professional community.
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