
Economy, finances, management: Topical issues of science and practical activity


Issue №: 10 (50)

Published: 2019.10.03
DOI: 10.37128/2411-4413-2019-10

The magazine deals with the problems of the agricultural sector of the economy in the context of integration and processes of globalization. Attention is paid to the issues of development of digital economy, rural territories, technologies of enterprise management and organization of accounting, problems of legal support of economic processes, market tendencies of development of various branches of economy. Particular attention is paid to green tourism as a promising segment of the national economy.

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DOI: 10.37128/2411-4413-2019-10-15
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MUKHANOV Valentin Nikolayevich, Ph.D. in History, senior lecturer in the history of Ukraine 

and philosophy at Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (Vinnytsya, muhan2004@ukr.net)


Problem statement. Soy is rightly recognized as one of the leading crops of the XXI century. Its importance for humanity is due to the unique biochemical composition – a combination of highly nutritious and easily digestible proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as the composition of vital vitamins, enzymes and minerals. Analysis of the dynamics and basic directions in the development of the world industrial production of soybeans prove that today the most promising can be considered research in the direction of development and optimization of intensive technologies of growing crops, the use of biotechnology in the selection of new varieties, development and implementation of advanced technologies and methods in the process of primary processing of beans and green mass, development and expansion of the range of soy products in the feed, food, pharmaceutical and other industries of the industrial complex.

Analysis of the state and definition of prospects for the development of the industry of industrial cultivation of soybeans and its processing is a necessary prerequisite for the justification of priority areas and improvement of organizational forms of scientific research.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The problem of studying certain economic and agricultural aspects of the state and prospects of development of the domestic industry of industrial production of soybeans and products of its processing in the early XXI century in the scientific literature paid attention to Ukrainian researchers, among which should be highlighted V. O. Babich, A. Babich-Coastal, V. N. Timchenko, O. M. Belousova, O. A. Boyko, V. F. Petrichenko, etc.

Formulation of the objectives of the article. The purpose of this article is to analyze the status and prospects of further development of the industry of industrial cultivation and processing of soybeans in Ukraine in the XXI century.

In the period from 1990 to 2017, the amount of acreage used for the cultivation of soybean in different agro-climatic zones of Ukraine grew almost 22 times, from 92,6 thousand hectares to thousands of hectares. 1994,1 Characteristically, in the last ten years there has been a steady upward trend in acreage at an average rate of 9.2%.  In 2017, soybeans in the structure of all acreage under grain crops occupies 13.7%. However, in 2018, small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises of Ukraine, which process up to 1 thousand hectares of land, slightly reduced soybean crops. About 4% of agricultural enterprises, which in previous years sowed the culture, refused to sow it at all. This short-term trend is most likely due to the unclear political situation that has developed around soybeans. This is due to the cancellation of the export VAT refund, which led to difficulties in forming economic forecasts regarding fluctuations in the profitability of soybeans. However, despite the reduction in acreage to 1.73 million hectares in 2018, the production of this crop in the last season as a whole increased by 14.4%. The key to such a high yield is the growth of the average crop yield to 2.58 t/ha .

However, analyzing the main milestones in the process of formation and development of the domestic industry, it should be noted the abrupt fluctuation of interest in culture on the part of state institutions and the domestic consumer market. Positive dynamics in the development of the Ukrainian industry of industrial cultivation of soybeans as a component of agriculture has emerged only in the last ten years. This trend is due to the rapid development of domestic livestock, in particular, poultry, which is the main consumer of soybeans in the domestic market, as well as broad export prospects, caused mainly by the rapid development of the European food industry, the possibility of using culture in innovative technologies for the production of environmentally friendly fuel.

Natural and climatic conditions and agro-industrial potential of Ukraine allows to estimate with optimism prospects of branch of industrial cultivation of soy. For the production of this strategic culture in the Ukrainian territories, there are all the necessary natural resources: a favorable temperate climate, highly productive soils, a sufficient level of moisture supply, the growing season for the maturation of full ripeness, a wide range of domestic varieties of different directions of use, adapted to obtain high yields in almost all natural areas of the country, varietal cultivation technology, modern methods of primary and secondary processing, identified areas of use.

Thus, according to the provisions of the Sectoral Program "Oilseeds", developed by the Ministry of agrarian policy and food of Ukraine and the National Academy of agrarian Sciences of Ukraine for 2015, to meet the needs of the domestic market and exports, the country should produce up to 15 million tons of oilseeds, including soybeans – 3,0–3,5 million tons. the Total area of soybean in the structure of oilseeds increased from 1990 to 2011. up to 15 %, however, for the effective use of this crop and ensuring the planned indicators of productivity of the livestock industry, its share in the structure of oilseeds should increase threefold – up to 30-35 % by 2019.

Summary. Thus, the study of the state, prospects for further development of the industry of industrial cultivation and processing of soybeans in Ukraine in the XXI century. it can be argued that the natural and climatic conditions and fertile soils, highly productive varieties of soybeans, adapted to cultivation in various areas and regions of the Ukrainian soybean, the presence and further development of modern technologies of intensive and organic farming, a powerful agro-complex, the implementation of the program with a stable supply of domestic fodder and food industries with high-quality protein products, the constantly growing demand for soybeans and soybean products on the European and world markets in the near future will allow Ukraine to secure the status of the most powerful industrial processing center in Europe.

Keywords: soybeans, industrial soybean cultivation industry, soybean production and processing, soybean varieties, soybean cultivation, soybean crops, yield, GM soybean.

List of references

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051 Economics

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076 Business, trade and exchange activities

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Key information:
ISSN (print): 2411-4413
DOI: 10.37128

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