Issue №: 5 (45)
The magazine deals with the problems of the agricultural sector of the economy in the context of integration and processes of globalization. Attention is paid to the issues of development of digital economy, rural territories, technologies of enterprise management and organization of accounting, problems of legal support of economic processes, market tendencies of development of various branches of economy. Particular attention is paid to green tourism as a promising segment of the national economy.
HERAIMOVYCH Violeta – Candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor of the global economy department National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (org/0000-0002-0058-3918 e-mail : vita_violeta@ukr.net)
HUMENIUK Iryna – Candidate of economic sciences, Deputy Director for Scientific, innovative and international activities Podilsky Special Educational-Rehabilitation Socio-Economic College (orcid.org/0000-0002-3984-1419 e-mail : vons-irina@ukr.net).
KUBAI Оksana – Candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor of the agrarian management department Vinnytsia national agrarian university (21008, Vinnitsa, Soniachna st., 3, e-mail: оksanakubai11@gmail.com).
The article explores the modern State and development dynamics of livestock industry of Ukraine, as one of the leading branches in the market.
Indicators of production and consumption of livestock farming products are vital when determining the population living standards. Livestock industry is the main source of high quality food products supply, and its products are raw materials for the processing industry. Basing on the above the issue of livestock revival gets exceptionally acute in the country.
The article analyzes the current state of livestock products market development in Ukraine and its capabilities in the modern world economic space. The main trends of livestock products export are examined. The share of export in the total amount of livestock production is defined. It is ascertained that the main reasons for the livestock production and export decline are the reduction of the population of livestock of all types: cattle, pigs, poultry, and the lack of State support.
Prospective directions for the domestic agricultural products export extension primarily to the EU market are suggested: development of farming as the main component of the competitive domestic agricultural production system, increase of infrastructural projects financing, development of the financial infrastructure of the agricultural sector, improvement of the investment climate in the country.
Firstly, the necessity to develop farming as the main component of the competitive domestic agricultural production system. This time formation of an open competitive environment within the whole agricultural market rather than direct financial support to specific agricultural producers, which is so much popular by now in Ukraine, has to be the key direction of livestock farming revitalization. Only in this case the development of farming in Ukraine will lead to the activation of agricultural cooperation and the diversification of agricultural products variety to be potentially exported to the European market.
Secondly, a consistent policy of reducing the share of direct subsidies paid as a financial support to the agricultural sector, while increasing the expenses aimed at the implementation of infrastructure projects, especially emphasizing modernization of marketing, transport-logistics and informational infrastructure of agricultural market of Ukraine and its regions.
Thirdly, an important tool to stimulate exports of agricultural products from Ukraine and increase its diversification is the development of the financial infrastructure of the agricultural sector. First of all this means the formation of the modern model of financial-credit service supply for agricultural producers based on the introduction of different forms of financial leasing, non-bank credits, agricultural insurance, factoring and venture capital operations in agriculture, etc.
Fourthly, intensive implementation of steps to improve the investment climate in most regions of our country, taking into account the specifics of their agricultural production. To do this, it is necessary to create a modern industry for industry direct foreign investment attraction, including the formation of agricultural clusters and agri-technoparks focused on the intensification of modern agricultural technologies transfer to Ukrainian market.
Hence, the state and development dynamics of the livestock industry affect not only economic performance of agriculture, but also quality of life, well-being and food security of the population. Especially it is necessary to note the fact that livestock farming satisfies the needs of the domestic food market and current situation in the industry is also directly caused by the problem of declining incomes, which recent years have been falling in connection with the population’s income and paying capacity decrease.
- Gholjuk, V.Ja. (2016) Analiz eksportu mjasa kurjatyny v Ukrajini: stan ta tendenciji rozvytku rynku [Analysis the export of chicken meat in Ukraine: the state and trends of market development]. Infrastruktura rynku - Infrastructure of the market. № 2. S. 131–135 [in Ukrainian].
- Lipych, L. (2012) Analiz ekonomichnogho potencialu pidpryjemstv ptakhivnyctva v systemi rozvytku zovnishnjoekonomichnoji dijaljnosti [Analysis of economic potential of poultry enterprises in the development of foreign economic activity]. Ekonomist -Economist. № 9. S. 31–39 [in Ukrainian].
- Meljnyk, B.A. (2002) Stan ta rezervy zbiljshennja obsjaghiv vyrobnyctva produkciji ptakhivnyctva [Condition and reserves for increasing the volume of poultry production]. Tvarynnytstvo Ukrainy - Animal husbandry of Ukraine. № 2. S. 10–12 [in Ukrainian].
- Mesel- Veselyak, V.Y., Mazurenko, O.V., Shchepiyenko, P.V. et al. (2007), Metodychni rekomendatsii shchodo formuvannia spetsializovannykh silskogospodarskykh pidpryemstv z vyrobnytsva produktsii tvarynnytstva ta obgruntuvannia ratsionalnykh rozmiriv ferm i kompleksiv [Guidelines for the Formation of Specialized Farms with Livestock Production and Rational Justification for the Size of Farms and Complexes], ed. by V.Y. Mesel- Veselyak. Kyiv : NNTs «Instytut ahrarnoi ekonomiky». 65 s. [in Ukrainian].
- Cyghanok, Ju. V. (2010) Suchasnyj stan vyrobnyctva produkciji ptakhivnyctva v pidpryjemstvakh PivnichnoZakhidnogho reghionu Ukrajiny [The current state of poultry production in the enterprises of the North-Western region of Ukraine]. Visnyk ZhNAEU - Journal of ZNAEU.№ 2. S. 272–285 [in Ukrainian].
- Janyshyn Ja. (2013) Teoretychni osnovy efektyvnosti vyrobnyctva produkciji ptakhivnyctva [Theoretical basis of the efficiency of poultry production]. Ahrarna ekonomika - Agrarian economy. № 3–4. S. 74–80[in Ukrainian].
- Jaroshenko F.I. (2004) Ptakhivnyctvo Ukrajiny: problemy i perspektyvy rozvytku [Poultry breeding in Ukraine: problems and prospects of development]. K. : Ahrarna nauka. 500 s. [in Ukrainian].
- Lantyfudyst: gholovnyj sajt pro aghrobiznes. URL : [https://latifundist.com rating/top-7-krupnejshih-proizvoditelej-produktsii-ptitsevodstva-ukrainy [in Ukrainian].
- Asociacija Sojuzu ptakhivnykiv Ukrajiny: oficijnyj sajt URL : http://www.poultryukraine.com/[in Ukrainian].
- Oficijnyj sajt Derzhavnogho komitetu statystyky Ukrajiny URL : www.ukrstat.gov.ua[in Ukrainian].
About journal
051 Economics
071 Accounting and taxation
072 Finance, banking and insurance
073 Management
075 Marketing
076 Business, trade and exchange activities
241 Hotel, restaurant and catering
281 Public administration
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The purpose of the journal "Economics, finances, management: Topical issues of science and practical activity» is the coverage of leading scientific ideas in the economic, financial and management activities of the sectors of the national economy and the involvement of representatives of the domestic and foreign scientific professional community.
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