
Economy, finances, management: Topical issues of science and practical activity


Issue №: 8 (48)

Published: 2019.09.17
DOI: 10.37128/2411-4413-2019-8

The magazine deals with the problems of the agricultural sector of the economy in the context of integration and processes of globalization. Attention is paid to the issues of development of digital economy, rural territories, technologies of enterprise management and organization of accounting, problems of legal support of economic processes, market tendencies of development of various branches of economy. Particular attention is paid to green tourism as a promising segment of the national economy.

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DOI: 10.37128/2411-4413-2019-8-9
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PRAVDIUK Nataliia  –  Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of  Accounting Department, 

Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Vinnytsia (21008,  3, Sonyachna Str., Vinnytsia, e-mail: 


YAROSLAVSKYI  Аnatolii  –  PhD  Student  of  Accounting Department, Vinnytsia National 

Agrarian University, Vinnytsia (21008,  3, Sonyachna Str., Vinnytsia,  e-mail: 



The article considers the scientific and methodological approaches to the essence of the concept 

of  «organizational and economic mechanism»  and presents the author's vision of the term.  A critical 

analysis of modern approaches to the formation of mechanisms of economic security of enterprises. It 

is determined that according to the principles of the systematic approach the organizational and 

economic mechanism of managing the economic security of the enterprise as a system should have a 

certain structure. It is proved that the structure determines the strong links and relationships within the 

mechanism, the main areas of managerial influence that ensures its integrity. The author's approach to 

determining the structure and main components of the organizational and economic mechanism for 

managing the economic security of grain processing enterprises is presented. It is proved that the state 

regulation of the grain market and the grain processing industry plays an important role in the 

functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism of managing the economic safety of grain 

processing enterprises.

Keywords: organization, safety, organizational and economic business, management, enterprise, grain processing complex, constituent organizations.

List of references

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All journal issues

About journal

Topics of the journal:

051 Economics

071 Accounting and taxation

072 Finance, banking and insurance

073 Management

075 Marketing

076 Business, trade and exchange activities

241 Hotel, restaurant and catering 

281 Public administration


Key information:
ISSN (print): 2411-4413
DOI: 10.37128

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The purpose of the journal "Economics, finances, management: Topical issues of science and practical activity» is the coverage of leading scientific ideas in the economic, financial and management activities of the sectors of the national economy and the involvement of representatives of the domestic and foreign scientific professional community.


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  • publication of research findings on innovation in the economy, financial and management spheres, innovation of production processes;
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History of journal:

It was founded in 1997 under the name "Bulletin of the Vinnytsia State Agricultural Institute". In 2010-2014 he was published under the title “Collection of scientific works of Vinnitsa National Agrarian University”.

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