Issue №: 4 (66)
The journal deals with the issues of efficiency of functioning of the national economics and organizational forms of management of the national economy. Attention is paid to the problems of marketing, management and efficiency of production and economic activity of agrarian enterprises. The issues of public administration and administration, accounting and taxation, banking and insurance, forecasting and modeling of economic processes, foreign economic activity, commodity flows of economic entities and their infrastructure support.
SYNCHAK Viktor – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Finance, Banking, Insurance and the Stock Market, Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law (29000, Khmelnytskyi, 8, St. Heroiv Maidan, e-mail: synchak@ukr.net).
YARMOLENKO Yurii – Candidate of Economic Sciences (29027, Khmelnytskyi, 33/1, St. Panasa Myrny, e-mail: uarmolen@ukr.net).
The research article emphasizes the peculiarities of the Value Added Tax (hereafter – VAT) mechanism functioning, which provides not only one-direction movement of funds to the budget, but also the reverse movement. Due to such a variety of fiscal relations, there is a doubling of interests for the state and value added tax payers. It is determined that in order to balance the interests of subjects of fiscal relations and ensure transparency in their relations, transparency in the processes of VAT administration and refund becomes particularly relevant. It is proved that the concept of tax transparency in relations between taxpayers and state financial bodies is considered by a significant part of the authors in the area of digital transformation aimed at introducing effective administration of tax revenues to maximize the filling of budget revenues with optimal administrative costs for administration processes. Reasons are given for the lack of a unified approach to the procedure for analysing the transparency of value added tax data generated on the basis of tax reporting submitted by business entities through the Single Window for Electronic Reporting automated system.
The amounts of budgetary refund of value added tax paid by VAT payers when importing goods into Ukraine are calculated. A correlation analysis was carried out and, on the basis of which the impact of paid «import VAT» on imported goods to Ukraine on the growth of budgetary refund in 2013–2022 was determined. It is substantiated that the amount of budgetary refund by 87% depends on the VAT paid during the customs clearance of imported goods to Ukraine, while other factors account for only 13%.
Argumentative issues were emphasized when grouping the analytical data on the performance of the State Budget of Ukraine on «internal VAT» less the entire amount of budget refund. It is proposed that the state financial bodies (the Ministry of Finance, the State Treasury, the State Tax Service of Ukraine) publish the amounts of budgetary refund by its types (export, import, domestic operations, combined refund), which will contribute to tax transparency and the quality of reports on the performance of the State Budget of Ukraine. It is substantiated that the names of VAT as a «tax on goods imported into the customs territory of Ukraine» and a «tax on goods (works, services) produced in Ukraine» are not debatable. It is proposed to change their names to a «value added tax on imported goods produced and sold in Ukraine».
The conclusions are drawn on the need for transparency aimed at providing access to information in the processes of VAT administration and refund in order to maximize the revenues of the State Budget of Ukraine while observing fair taxation and budget refund for the categories of taxpayers established by law.
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2. Laiko, O.I., Umanets, T.V., Shlafman, N.L. (2021). Stratehichni napriamky zdiisnennia podatkovoho rehuliuvannia ekonomichnoho rozvytku v umovakh reform [Strategic directions for tax regulation of economic development in the context of reforms]. Ekonomichni innovatsii – Economical Innovations, 23, 1 (78), 155–125 [in Ukrainian]. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31520/ei.2021.23.1(78).115-125
3. Lupenko, Yu.O., & Tulush, L.D. (2020). Znyzhennia stavky PDV na prodovolchi tovary v Ukraini: mozhlyvosti ta dotsilnist [Reducing the VAT rate on food products in Ukraine: opportunities and feasibility]. Prodovolchi resursy – Food Resources, 14, 211–219 [in Ukrainian]. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31073/foodresources2020-14-22
4. Slavkova, A. (2023). Fiskalna ta rehuliuiucha rol nepriamykh podatkiv v Ukraini [Fiscal and regulatory role of indirect taxes in Ukraine]. Visnyk Khmelnytskoho natsionalnoho universytetu. Seriia: «Ekonomichni nauky» – Bulletin of Khmelnytskyi National University. Series: Economic Sciences, 5, 374–378, [in Ukrainian]. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31891/2307-5740-2023-322-5-59
5. Sokolovska, A.M., Rainova, L.B. (2020). Podatok na dodanu vartist: pidkhody do reformuvannia v Ukraini ta Yevrosoiuzi [Value added tax: approaches to reform in Ukraine and the European Union]. Ekonomika ta derzhava – Economy and the State, 8, 43–48, [in Ukrainian]. DOI: 10.32702/2306-6806.2020.8.43
6. Shyhun, M., & Zhuravel, A. (2023). Nova model administruvannia podatku na dodanu vartist [A new model of value added tax administration]. Perspektyvy rozvytku obliku, analizu ta audytu v konteksti yevrointehratsii – Prospects for the development of accounting, analysis, and audit in the context of European integration: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Scientific and Practical Conference, (pp. 153–156). Odesa: ONEU [in Ukrainian]. 7. Hrebelnyk, O. (2021). Mytna sprava [Customs] (5th ed.). Kyiv: Tsentr uchbovoi literatury [in Ukrainian].
8. Hutsul, I., & Krysovata, K. (2021). Prahmatyzm mytnoho rehuliuvannia spozhyvchoho rynku Ukrainy [Pragmatism of customs regulation of the consumer market of Ukraine]. Svit finansiv – World of Finance, 1(66), 237–248 [in Ukrainian]. DOI: 10.35774/sf2021.01.237
9. Ivanov, Yu.B., Tyshchenko, V.F., Naidenko, O.Ye. (2023). Customs and tax aspects of Ukraine’s economic integration into the EU [Mytno-podatkovi aspekty ekonomichnoi intehratsii Ukrainy do YeS]. Upravlinnia rozvytkom – Development Management, 21, 2, 29–37 [in Ukrainian]. DOI: 10.57111/devt/2.2023.20
10. Dubovyk, O.Yu. (2023). Problematyka vyznachennia mytnoi vartosti importnykh tovariv [Problems of determining the customs value of imported goods]. Naukovyi visnyk Odeskoho natsionalnoho ekonomichnoho universytetu – Scientific Bulletin of Odesa National Economic University, 1-2 (302-303), 59–64 [in Ukrainian].
11. Melnyk, L.Yu., Matros, O.M., Ratushna, O.P. (2023). Tsyfrovizatsiia v protsesi administruvanni podatkiv v Ukraini [Digitalization in the process of tax administration in Ukraine]. Efektyvna ekonomika – Efficient Economy, 1, 1–14 [in Ukrainian]. DOI: http://doi.org/10.32702/2307-2105.2023.1.1
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14. Yarmolenko, Yu. (2023). Biudzhetne vidshkoduvannia PDV ta splata podatku na prybutok platnykamy podatkiv: realii voiennoho chasu [Budgetary VAT refund and payment of income tax by taxpayers: wartime realities]. Aktualni pytannia suchasnoi ekonomichnoi nauky – Actual issues of modern economic science: a collection of proceedings of the Sixth All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference, 05 December 2023, (pp. 373–374). Poltava: PSAU [in Ukrainian].
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20. Kozlenko, M. Vidshkoduvannia PDV: z yakymy pytanniamy naichastishe zishtovkhuietsia biznes. Chy pokrashchylasia sytuatsiia dlia biznesu iz vidshkoduvanniam PDV? [VAT refund: the issues most often faced by business. Has the situation with VAT refund improved for business?]. epravda.com.ua. Retrieved from: https://www.epravda.com.ua/columns/2023/06/12/701062 [in Ukrainian].
21. Publichnyi zvit Holovy Kaznacheistva Tetiany Sliuz pro pidsumky diialnosti Derzhavnoi kaznacheiskoi sluzhby Ukrainy za 2022 rik [Public report of Tetiana Sliuz, Head of the Treasury, on the results of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine for 2022]. treasury.gov.ua. Retrieved from: https://www.treasury.gov.ua/storage/app/uploads/public/602/e70/9da/602e709dae01f830118968.pdf [in Ukrainian].
About journal
051 Economics
071 Accounting and taxation
072 Finance, banking and insurance
073 Management
075 Marketing
076 Business, trade and exchange activities
241 Hotel, restaurant and catering
281 Public administration
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