
Economy, finances, management: Topical issues of science and practical activity


Issue №: 10 (50)

Published: 2019.10.03
DOI: 10.37128/2411-4413-2019-10

The magazine deals with the problems of the agricultural sector of the economy in the context of integration and processes of globalization. Attention is paid to the issues of development of digital economy, rural territories, technologies of enterprise management and organization of accounting, problems of legal support of economic processes, market tendencies of development of various branches of economy. Particular attention is paid to green tourism as a promising segment of the national economy.

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DOI: 10.37128/2411-4413-2019-10-5
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ZAKHARCHUK  Oleksandr Vasylovych, doctor of econ.  sciences, head of the department 

investment and logistics, NSC “Institute of Agrarian Economics” (10, Heroiv Oborony st., Kyiv);  e-mail: 



Special value among the modern problems of agrarian sector, that require an urgent decision, has the reliable providing and increase of efficiency of their use combustible-lubricating materials agricultural commodity producers. For today a basic power medium in an agrarian sector is a liquid fuel from oil products (low-octane petrol and diesel fuel). Therefore largely effective development of agricultural production depends on the permanent providing of industry a diesel fuel and petrol with a subzero antiknock value on stable prices for a year.

Yet 2005 years to Ukraine fully provided own necessities to the fuels from the oil products of home production. A home production was concentrated in seven regions, where oil-processing enterprises functioned. Beginning from 2006 of decline in a production combustible results in dependence on the supply of oil products from other countries.

The problem of the use of fuel and energy resources in agriculture and their efficiency in the works was examined by many well-known scientists-economists/

On the basis of undertaken studies by them principles of power politics of the state and agriculture were formed, directions of energy-savings and economy of charges of combustible-lubricating materials, problem of their use in the agrarian sector of Ukraine. The deep and all-round study of the developments of these and other scientists, that worked in this direction, presented in economic literature testifies that the necessity of further, more careful development of this question becomes all more actual both in a theoretical and in practical plan.

Aim of the article – to investigate the basic problems of the use and providing of agriculture combustible-lubricating materials, their market in Ukraine and forming of suggestions analysis from the improvement of situation on the whole.

Systematic and proportional supply and economy use in the conditions of permanent increase of technical potential and swift expensive of fuel in our time is a problem that requires an urgent decision. A price on the imported oil products depends on oscillation of course of home expensive and from the size of export duties. The analysis of pattern of the suggested retail prices showed on beginning of 2019, that 70-75% from her folded the cost of oil products on a border and prepaid taxes, and that is why, she practically did not depend on the increase of own charges of market operators. It was marked at more detailed study of situation, that price vibrations in the world market of oil are considerable and substantially would influence on the cost of fuel.

Research educed that presentation of prices on a fuel unconnected with price-waves on world markets. For 5 last the world oil prices, as it is already marked, sharply went down from 107,42 to 59,25 dollars, or almost twice. But to the wholesale and the suggested retail prices on a fuel in Ukraine demonstrate a stably growing dynamics for the same period, that and proceeds also in 2019.

For years independence of Ukraine a common consumption of fuel and energy resources is in agriculture small tendency to substantial reduction. The feature of consumption of combustible-lubricating materials in agriculture of Ukraine is considerable specific gravity of the use of diesel fuel, and insignificant – to petrol.

Agricultural enterprises shortened the use of petrol agile both on the whole and on agricultural works, comparatively with 1990 in 12 times. It is related to that in recent year the tendencies of bringing in took place to implementation of transport works of extraneous organizations, and also with practice of sale of harvest on the terms free-corn-floor, free-elevator and even the free-field. In such cases transport charges are paid by the customers of agricultural produce. Also, one of main factors of reduction of consumption there is an economy of the agricultural enterprises based on principles of peculiar.

In addition, reduction of the use to petrol and diesel fuel in 1990-2018 it is possible agriculture of Ukraine to ground reduction of sowing areas almost on 10%, growing of less power-hungry agricultural cultures, reduction, almost in three times, to the park of cars, tractors and combines, and also substantial reductions of production of goods of stock-raising volumes.

In the conditions of dependence of Ukraine on the export of oil and oil products there is a necessity of search of ways of the fuel and energy cost cutting for an increase in further indexes of efficiency of production of agricultural goods. For the last twenty years of expense of fuel and energy resources on 1 hectare agricultural lands grew short in 3,3/

One of important directions of reduction of consumption of combustible-lubricating materials there is application of more progressive technologies of basic till of earth and preparation of her to sowing. Exactly these operations are most power-hungry and expense/pl – on them is from 20 to 40% of power charges. Application of the different simplified technologies of till of soil, except an ecological effect it is had yet and economic. He is arrived at due to the increase of profitability of agricultural activity by the economy of combustible-lubricating materials, reduction of number of technological operations from till of soil, reduction to the amount of the applied technical equipment and increase of functionality of technique. So application of technology of pressed till of soil allows to economize close 27%, minimum till of soil – 43%, and technologies of no – till – 86% of general charges of fuel on pressed works.

Taking into account the considerable charges of power resources and difficult state with their providing, the problem of energy-savings has an exceptional value for agriculture. To Tom, consider that reduction to power-hungriness in agriculture can be attained by a way:

- rational placing of agricultural cultures in the fields of crop rotations, approaching of production of goods to the place of consumption or processing;

- optimizations of structure of sowing areas with expansion of power-hungry cultures;

- optimizations of technological parameters of growing and collection of agricultural cultures due to replacement of power-hungry operations less power-hungry;

- it is creation fundamentally of new complexes of energy keeping machines and equipment, technologies of implementation of the mechanized works (minimum and zero treatments of soil);

- it is application of unconventional energy sources.

Keywords: fuel and lubricants, technology, energy resources, fuel costs, modernization, energy saving.

List of references

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All journal issues

About journal

Topics of the journal:

051 Economics

071 Accounting and taxation

072 Finance, banking and insurance

073 Management

075 Marketing

076 Business, trade and exchange activities

241 Hotel, restaurant and catering 

281 Public administration


Key information:
ISSN (print): 2411-4413
DOI: 10.37128

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