Issue №: 3 (57)
The journal deals with the issues of efficiency of functioning of the national economics and organizational forms of management of the national economy. Attention is paid to the problems of marketing, management and efficiency of production and economic activity of agrarian enterprises. The issues of public administration and administration, accounting and taxation, banking and insurance, forecasting and modeling of economic processes, foreign economic activity, commodity flows of economic entities and their infrastructure support.
BEREZUK Sergiy – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative Management and Alternative Energy Sources, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (21008, Vinnytsia, 3, Soniachna Str., e-mail: sergejj.berezjuk@gmail.com).
The current state of the higher education system in Ukraine is studied on the example of higher education institutions (HEIs). It is established that the effectiveness of the educational process is manifested in the level of training of a highly qualified specialist, who is competitive in the labor market. The dynamics of the number of applicants for higher education in Ukraine and the unemployment rate is analyzed; the relationship between these indicators is established.
The main reasons for the mismatch of the level of educational services of educational institutions to the needs of employers are determined, which are due to inadequate funding of the education system, and, as a consequence, the low level of knowledge of graduates, which does not meet the real needs of today. It is established that the main reason for underfunding of the education system is the dominance of local budgets in expenditures for the needs of educators and lack of funds for implementation of educational programs, as well as non-fulfillment in full of state obligations in this area as a whole.
The essence and features of the dual form of education are revealed, the substantive difference between traditional and dual forms of education is reflected, which consists in the fact that they have completely different planes of common interests. The relevance of the latter is substantiated taking into account current trends in the labor market and the adaptation of the domestic education system to the requirements of the European Union.
The expediency of introducing dual education in the Free Economic Zone as a form of cooperation between educational and scientific institutions, production and business, and also an integral part of the formation of a highly qualified specialist, is substantiated. The main mutual benefits of the participants of the dual form of education and the forms of their participation in the educational process are listed. The effectiveness of the dual form of higher education has been proved on the example of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, which is a co-founder of the All-Ukrainian Scientific-Educational Consortium. The importance of the principle of student-centeredness as a key factor in the effectiveness of the education system as a whole is substantiated.
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3. Vydatky zvedenoho biudzhetu na osvitu za 5 rokiv zrosly udvichi [Expenditures of the consolidated budget for education have doubled in 5 years]. auc.org.ua. Retrieved from: https://www.auc.org.ua/novyna/vydatky-zvedenogo-byudzhetu-na-osvitu-za-5-rokiv-zrosly-udvichi [in Ukrainian].
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5. Vid 25 do 50% navchannia na robochomu mistsi, robotodavets otsiniuie uchnia ta bere uchast u vidbori na navchannia – uriad zatverdyv kontseptsiiu dualnoi osvity [From 25 to 50% of on-the-job training, the employer evaluates the student and participates in the selection for training – the government has approved the concept of dual education]. mon.gov.ua. Retrieved from: https://mon.gov.ua/ua/news/vid-25-do-50-navchannya-na-robochomu-misci-robotodavec-ocinyuye-uchnya-ta-bere-uchast-u-vidbori-na-navchannya-uryad-zatverdiv-koncepciyu-dualnoyi-osviti [in Ukrainian].
6. Vseukrainskyi naukovo-navchalnyi konsortsium [All-Ukrainian Scientific-Educational Consortium]. kolomietstanichka.wixsite.com/vnnk. Retrieved from: https://kolomietstanichka.wixsite.com/vnnk [in Ukrainian].
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8. Pro vyshchu osvitu: Zakon Ukrayiny [Law of Ukraine on Higher Education]. (2014, July 1). zakon.rada.gov.ua. Retrieved from: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/ 1556-18?find=#Text [in Ukrainian].
9. Pro osvitu: Zakon Ukrainy [Law of Ukraine On Education]. (2017, September 5). zakon.rada.gov.ua. Retrieved from: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2145-19#Text [in Ukrainian].
10. Kaletnik, G.M., Adamchuk, V.V., & Bulhakov, V.M. (2017). Stan ta osnovni perspektyvy pidhotovky vysokokvalifikovanykh inzhenernykh ta naukovykh kadriv v haluzi ahroinzhenerii [Status and main prospects of training of highly qualified engineering and scientific personnel in the field of agricultural engineering]. Tekhnika, enerhetyka, transport APK – Machinery, energy, transport of agro-industrial complex, 1 (96), 5-15 [in Ukrainian].
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12. Maizhe 10% naselennia: v uriadi pidrakhuvaly, skilky ukraintsiv vyikhalo za kordon vid pochatku desiatylittia [Almost 10% of the population: The government has calculated how many Ukrainians have gone abroad since the beginning of the decade]. hromadske.ua. Retrieved from: https://hromadske.ua/ posts/majzhe-10-naselennya-v-uryadi-pidrahuvali-skilki-ukrayinciv-viyihalo-za-kordon-vid-pochatku-desyatilittya [in Ukrainian].
13. Oprylyudneno rezultaty otsinky chysel’nosti nayavnoho naselennya Ukrayiny [The results of the assessment of the current population of Ukraine have been published]. kmu.gov.ua. Retrieved from: https://www.kmu.gov.ua/news/oprilyudneno-rezultati-ocinki-chiselnosti-nayavnogo-naselennya-ukrayini [in Ukrainian].
14. Osvita v Ukraini: vyklyky ta perspektyvy. Informatsiyno-analitychnyi zbirnyk [Education in Ukraine: challenges and prospects. Information-analytical collection]. (2020). Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
About journal
051 Economics
071 Accounting and taxation
072 Finance, banking and insurance
073 Management
075 Marketing
076 Business, trade and exchange activities
241 Hotel, restaurant and catering
281 Public administration
The journal “Economy, finances, management: Topical issues of science and practice” is included in the "List of Scientific Professional Editions of Ukraine".
The scientific edition is assigned the Category "Б" in the field of economics in specialties 051, 071, 072, 073, 075, 076, 241, 281
(Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 249, March 17, 2020).
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The editorial board of the journal is guided by the principles of scientific, objectivity, professionalism, informational support of the most significant innovative researches, observance of standards of publishing ethics.
The purpose of the journal "Economics, finances, management: Topical issues of science and practical activity» is the coverage of leading scientific ideas in the economic, financial and management activities of the sectors of the national economy and the involvement of representatives of the domestic and foreign scientific professional community.
Objectives of the journal:
- publication of research findings on innovation in the economy, financial and management spheres, innovation of production processes;
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- enhancing the culture of reviewing and annotating published material;
- adherence to editorial ethics.
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It was founded in 1997 under the name "Bulletin of the Vinnytsia State Agricultural Institute". In 2010-2014 he was published under the title “Collection of scientific works of Vinnitsa National Agrarian University”.
From 2015 ”Economy, finances, management: Topical issues of science and practical activity” (Certificate of State Registration of Mass Media No. 21154-10954 of PR as of December 31, 2014)
According to the decision of National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine from 25.04.2024 No. 1337 the scientific journal «Economy, finances, management: topical issues of science and practical activity» has the ID of the Media R30-05171.